Rocketry Club: Northeast Florida Association of Rocketry (Inactive)
Rocket Dungeon: Cool stuff at NEFAR's Feb. 7th launch (2010-01-22)
NEFAR Launch, February 7. 2009 (yeah, a year ago) How about an N1900 Sorbitol/Epoxy motor and a steam rocket? Videos included. I previously discussed David O'Neil's steam rockets here. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch, Bunnell, FL 8-14-10 (2010-08-14)
I drove up to Bunnell, Florida with Roger Smith ( for the N.E.F.A.R. launch today. I launched five until the heat got to be too much. My downscale Sky Writer flew very high for an MMX ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! Bunnell, FL - N.E.F.A.R. 9/11/10 (2010-09-11)
Skies were clear and winds were calm. I counted 26 cars at the launch today. The Big Girtha screamed on a two engine C6-5 cluster. That homemade baffle worked fine, the 18" ripstop nylon ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! NEFAR Monthly Bunnell, FL 1/8/2011 (2011-01-08)
We had wind gusts nearing 20 m.p.h. at the NEFAR monthly launch in Bunnell, Florida today. I only got two rockets in the air, but there was plenty flights of interest. First up for me was the UP! ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch Videos, January 8 Launch Bunnell, FL (2011-01-13)
To look at the NEFAR January Launch videos, you'd think it was an Odd'l Rockets promo! Once again, Jimmy Yawn took some great videos You can check them out at the NEFAR site HERE On the left is the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! N.E.F.A.R. Bunnell, Florida March 12, 2011 (2011-03-13)
The weather at NEFAR was about as good as it gets yesterday. The temperature was in the mid 70s and winds were from 5 - 10 mph. The PIGASUS rebuild finally flew on an Estes C6-5. I ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! Bunnell Blast November 13, 2011 (2011-11-14)
The Bunnell Blast is a two day event, November 12 and 13. I wasn't able to attend Saturday's launch. The day was busy finishing up with a night launch. Here's some highlight's of the Sunday ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! NEFAR Monthly, Bunnell, FL 12/10/11 (2011-12-11)
Low clouds and wind gusts up to 15 m.p.h. were present for most of the day. Carl Campbell of DFR Technologies flew his Semroc SATURN 1B twice, with an E18-4 and a E20-4. Both beautiful flights with ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! Bunnell NEFAR, July 14, 2012 (2012-07-15)
I hadn't flown a rocket in a while, so I headed up to Bunnell, Florida for the monthly N.E.F.A.R. launch. Mike Armstrong brought a few of his growing V2 collection. This is the ASP V2 with an ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Prepare for Bunnell Blast (2012-10-09)
The Northeast Florida Association of Rocketry (NEFAR) will host its annual Bunnell Blast regional launch on November 10 and 11, 2012. Bunnell Blast is a two-day sport and research launch for ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Photos from the October NEFAR Launch (2012-10-15)
I’ve uploaded photos I took at the October, 2012, NEFAR launch to the Photo Album. I’m still recovering from a broken toe, so I didn’t bring anything to ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR’s Bunnell Blast 2012 (2012-11-13)
Last weekend, NEFAR hosted its annual two-day Bunnell Blast launch. Rockets from small to large took to the air on Saturday. And even a furry rocket flew ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! NEFAR Bunnell, FL, March 9, 2013 (2013-03-10)
Tom Tweit flew his FlisKits Nell with a C6-3 engine. This forward engine rocket had a dramatic slow liftoff with full parachute recovery. You would think there might be damage on landing but it ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR’s March Launch (2013-03-10)
Bunnell experienced an almost perfect day for flying rockets last Saturday and many rocketry fanatics took advantage of the nice weather at NEFAR’s March rocket launch. Some cool scale models ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch N.E.F.A.R. Monthly, Bunnell, Florida May 11, 2013 (2013-05-12)
I drove Roger Smith ( and and Tom Rubikov to the monthly NEFAR launch near Bunnell, Florida. It was warm at first then quickly became Florida HOT! Brian Coyle invited ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR's May Launch (2013-05-24)
I’ve uploaded my photos of the May, 2013, NEFAR launch to the Photo Album at [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Bunnell, FL Launch, July 13, 2013 (2013-07-14)
What was left of tropical storm Chantal threatened today's N.E.F.A.R. launch. Six of us headed up in Roger Smith's van. July days are usually hotter and the winds were low. The rains started ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR's July Launch Photos (2013-07-16)
With the forecast calling for thunderstorms, I was reluctant to make the 1 1/2 trip to Bunnell for NEFAR’s July rocket launch. But, Saturday morning, I checked the weather radar and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch, N.E.F.A.R. Bunnell, Fl, October 12, 2013 (2013-10-13)
I almost didn't go to the NEFAR launch today, I was really on the fence. The weather said it was going to be cooler with 5 - 10 mph winds to the North. Not many lower power fliers today. I sure ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Bunnell Blast 2013 - November 9 And 10 (2013-10-31)
Mark your calendar. The Northeast Florida Association of Rocketry (NEFAR) hosts it’s annual Bunnell Blast two-day rocket launch in November. The launch, near Daytona Beach, Florida, begins at ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! NEFAR Bunnell Blast, November 9, 2013 (2013-11-10)
This past weekend was the N.E.F.A.R. Bunnell Blast, a two day event with a night launch on Saturday night. The Quest AEROSPACE ONE is a great flyer adapted to an Estes D12-5. Towards the end of ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR's 2013 Bunnell Blast Photographs (2013-11-13)
NEFAR hosted Bunnell Blast the weekend of November 9 and 10, 2013. The two-day launch featured a range of flights from tiny MicroMaxx-powered rockets to huge, M-powered brutes. A large ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Bunnell Blast Pictures Link (2013-11-14)
That's Oscar the Rocket Dog (and me) last Saturday at the Bunnell Blast. You gotta' love a good dawg! It was a two day event with night launches Saturday evening. Oscar is owned by Bracha and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Bunnell, FL Launch! December 14., 2013 (2013-12-15)
Roger Smith and I headed out from Orlando to Bunnell at around 9:45 a.m. The weather report was for low winds of 10 mph. The wind gusts were more like 20. A few didn't fly or downsized ... [Read More] Photographing the December, 2013, NEFAR Launch From the Air (2013-12-16)
Saturday’s NEFAR launch was plagued with high winds most of the day. I didn’t have any rockets ready to fly, but looked forward to capturing still photos and videos of the launches using ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR's Last Launch of 2013 (2013-12-16)
On Saturday, NEFAR held their last launch of the year. With overcast skies and a brisk wind, turn-out was low. But, a few diehards launched rockets large and small. Here’s a video I ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch, Bunnell, FL April 12, 2014 (2014-04-13)
Today there were college groups in competition launching Hybrid rockets. Lots of misfires and fill hoses came loose. The Scouts also joined us so there was plenty of action on the LPR pads. With ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Quadcopter Video of the April NEFAR Launch (2014-04-26)
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Orlando Rocketry: June, 2014, NEFAR Launch Video (2014-06-15)
Thunderstorms threatened, but stayed to the east. So, only a few sprinkles of rain interrupted the June, 2014, NEFAR rocket launch. I flew my DJI Phantom 2 Vision quadcopter about a half-dozen ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Quadcopter Video of the August, 2014, NEFAR Launch (2014-08-31)
The video below is from the August, 9, 2014, NEFAR rocket launch. Taken with a quadcopter, the video captures the model rocket and high-power rocket launches from the air. Look for the model rocket ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Launch, October 11, Bunnell, FL (2014-10-11)
It was still hot in Bunnell, but not miserable. Winds were calm with occasional thermals. My first up was the CHEROKEE GOON with a Quest B6-4. Estimated altitude 350'. I always start small to ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Bunnell, FL, N.E.F.A.R. Launch (2014-10-12)
The Little Green Man had it's thirteenth flight at the NEFAR monthly launch on October 11. There was a slow turn during boost with an Estes C6-5 to about 650 feet. The 12" Odd'l parachute brought ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR's October 2014 Launch Photographs (2014-10-13)
I’ve uploaded my still photos of the October, 2014, launch to the NEFAR Rocket Launch Gallery at I’m still working on editing the videos from my quad-copter and will ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Video of NEFAR's October, 2014, Launch (2014-10-19)
I’ve uploaded a video of NEFAR’s October launch to YouTube. I flew a DJI PLantom 2 Vision quadcopter to capture the event from an aerial perspective. The video below shows low- and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! NEFAR, Bunnell Blast, FL November 8, 2014 (2014-11-09)
The Bunnell Blast is a two day event with a night launch on Saturday night. I was there for the day on Saturday. Somewhere in that ball of flame is the SPUDNIK ! The A10-3t engine ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR;s Bunnell Blast 2014! (2014-11-11)
NEFAR hosted it’s annual two-day Bunnell Blast launch on November 8 and 9, 2014. Canopies, cars, and trucks covered the full length of the north edge of the launch site and extended ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Pigasus at February 14, NEFAR launch (2015-02-14)
Here's Cris Morris with her Odd'l Rockets Pigasus at the NEFAR monthly launch on February 14. Here Pig was launched on pad 6 next to my Little Green Man on pad 7. The Pigasus put in a good, ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch, Bunnell, FL February 14, 2015 (2015-02-15)
The NEFAR monthly launch was as busy as I've ever seen it. Lots of kids and Scouts on the low power pads. The mid power pads were all full throughout the day. Winds were 10 to 15 mph and I had LONG ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Aerial Video of the April, 2015, NEFAR Launch (2015-04-14)
I was only able to attend the first day of NEFAR’s two-day “Half Blast” on April 11. With a forecast of showers, we kept looking for dark clouds. But, the rain ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Still Quadcopter Shots of the April NEFAR Launch (2015-04-15)
Here is a gallery of still images from April’s NEFAR launch. [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch, NEFAR, Bunnell, FL, June 13, 2015 (2015-06-14)
How you feelin'? Hot, Hot, HOT! These Summer launches really wipe me out. The Civil Air Patrol joined us today so a second LPR rack was set up. Good call and Thanks guys! Most of the CAP flights ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR's June 2015 Launch (2015-06-15)
Above is a video I made of NEFAR’s June launch using footage captured from my quadcopter combined with still photos taken by myself, Bracha Smith, and Thea Mathen. A collection of the still ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch, NEFAR, Bunnell, FL, August 8, 2015 (2015-08-09)
Roger Smith drove us up to the NEFAR monthly launch in Bunnell, Florida. While getting there we drove through a heavy thunderstorm but things cleared up before arriving at the field. It was hot but ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Video of the August, 2015, NEFAR Launch (2015-08-26)
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Model Rocket Building: Launch, N.E.F.A.R., Bunnell Florida, September 12, 2015 (2015-09-13)
Roger Smith drove Dave, Lonnie and I to Bunnel for the N.E.F.A.R. monthly launch. Skies were overcast but there was no rain while we were there. The clouds kept the heat low. Winds were up to 15 ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Photos and Video of NEFAR's September 2015 Launch (2015-09-13)
If we had checked the weather forecast for Saturday, we might not have made the trek to Bunnell for the September NEFAR launch. The forecast called for up to an 80% chance of rain. But, ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Odd'l Birdie Flown at N.E.F.A.R. (2015-10-10)
At the October 10 N.E.F.A.R. launch, Danielle Moon launched her Birdie with an A10-3t. It's always good to see one of your kits fly stable! Thanks Danielle! [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Monthly Launch, Bunnell Florida, October 10, 2015 (2015-10-11)
Only one post today! There are 20 pictures below, six in the animated GIF. That should be a enough for anybody, including me. The Zooch Ares build will continue tomorrow. I took the 1 1/2 hour ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Bunnell Blast, November 14, 2015 (2015-11-15)
November 14 and 15 is the Bunnell Blast , a two day event with night launches Saturday evening. When I arrived just before 11:00 a.m. there were already 75 cars parked down the flight line. After ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Bunnell Blast 2015 (2015-11-19)
Bunnell Blast is NEFAR‘s annual Fall two-day research launch. Held November 14 and 15, this year’s launch attracted a large number of flyers. On Saturday, nice weather and separate ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Odd'ls at N.E.F.A.R. (2015-11-25)
Cris Morris flew her Odd'l Little Green Man and Pigasus at the November 14 NEFAR launch in Bunnell, Florida. Both flew straight and true with C6-5s in the 15 mph winds. On the left is my Quest ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Launch, Bunnell, FL December 12, 2015 (2015-12-13)
December launches aren't as busy as last months two-day Bunnell Blast. Still, a good group showed up. Temperature and the winds were moderate. My Odd'l Rockets PIGASUS flew first with a Quest B6-4. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Monthly Launch, January 9, 2016 (2016-01-10)
Roger Smith drove me to the Bunnell, N.E.F.A.R. site at the Clegg Sod Farm. We saw low fog all the way there. The low ceiling kept most MPR and HPR flights grounded. Even some LPR rockets topped out ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: The BIG FIX, Quest Magnum Engine Mount (2016-01-22)
Here's the carnage after my Quest Magnum launch a few months back. On the far left you can see the two engine cluster mount, still tethered by the Kevlar line. Moving to the right ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR’s January 9, 2016, Launch (2016-01-24)
If you were to pick one word to describe NEFAR’s January, 2016, launch, the word would be “foggy.” It was foggy in the morning and it remained foggy until the early afternoon. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch February 13, 2016 (2016-02-14)
I only flew two rockets at yesterdays N.E.F.A.R. launch! NEFAR runs a very smooth operation. After LPR launches you watch the MPR and HPR launches. You recovery your rockets, grab another and get in ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR’s February 2016 Launch (2016-02-17)
NEFAR held its monthly launch on February 13. The Valentine’s Day Eve event was held under clear blue skies. A record crowd (for February) lined the launch site. Below is a video of the launch ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch? (2016-03-13)
I didn't make it to the N.E.F.A.R. launch in Bunnell, FL yesterday. Plenty of rockets, a chair and snacks were packed. I got on I/4 just outside of downtown Orlando, hoping to drive North. Orlando ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch, Bunnell, FL, April 9, 2016 (2016-04-10)
A two day NEFAR Half-Blast event! Two different banks of launchers were set up, the East range for LPR, the away West range for MPR and HPR. This is an efficient system for what could be ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: NEFAR’s April “Half-Blast” 2016 Launch (2016-04-15)
NEFAR’s two-day “Half-Blast” took place the weekend of April 9-10. Under beautiful blue skies, rockets took flight both days. Here are some videos and links to still photos of the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! N.E.F.A.R., Bunnell, FL May 14, 2016 (2016-05-15)
Summer heat is here! The first real warm day of the season, winds were up to 15 mph. Good turnout and the second rack of LPR pads were set up. Here's two vintage models on adjacent launch rods. ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Video of NEFAR’s May, 2016, Launch (2016-05-30)
Below is my video of NEFAR’s May, 2016, launch. [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch - August 13, 2016 (2016-08-14)
I flew back from California touching down at 7:00 a.m., just enough time to drive to the NEFAR launch in Bunnell. The NEFAR field gives me a chance to stretch using engines larger than a B6-4. I ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Monthly Launch, September 10, 2016 (2016-09-11)
I arrived just before 11:00 a.m. No winds - yet! Hot and humid. First up for me was the Dr. Zooch SLS . An Estes C6-5 got it to about 500'. It landed too close to the chemical and water canal. Next ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Little Green Man Launch, NEFAR, Sept. 10, 2016 (2016-09-25)
Here's some pictures taken by Thea Mathen at the September N.E.F.A.R. launch. My Little Green Man flew with a Quest B6-4. [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! Bunnell Blast, November 12, 2016 (2016-11-13)
The two day Bunnell Blast is BIG! Lots of flyers, lots of cars. The LPR and MPR launchers are set far enough apart so neither has to wait for pads or recovery. Well, that goes for LPR anyway. The ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Launch, Bunnell, FL, December 10, 2016 (2016-12-11)
Months go by, things are good, and then you have one of "those" launch days. Nothing disastrous, it's just some flights weren't stable or vertical. The winds were up, gusts from 15 to 20 mph. We all ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch - N.E.F.A.R. Bunnell, FL, November 11, 2017 (2017-02-12)
This gives you an idea about how diverse the low power rack was at Saturday's NEFAR launch. A TLP Sidewinder, Estes Mercury Redstone, Estes Shuttle, Photon Probe, Silver Streak and the BMS 3" School ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Launch Bunnell, FL March 11, 2017 (2017-03-12)
There were a LOT of cars at the field by the time Lonnie B. and I arrived at 10:00 a.m. More cars extended just as far to the right side of the picture. The low power pads were busy. In addition to ... [Read More] NEFAR Half-Blast – April 22 and 23, 2017 (2017-04-20)
We’ll be at the NEFAR launch this weekend, April 22 and 23, in Bunnell, Florida. The “Half-Blast” is a two-day TRA Research Launch. Normally NEFAR’s launches are held the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEFAR Launch Bunnell, FL, April 22, 2017 (2017-04-23)
I arrived around 11:00 a.m. counting 75 cars already there, more were arriving. The two-day Bunnell Half Blast is turning into a big event. On these two day launches the LPR and MPR launches are ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Launch, Bunnell, FL, February 10, 2018 (2018-02-11)
I was told the temperature was going to reach the high 80s today, there was low humidity so it was bearable. I'm not complaining - a few years back the February launch it snowed! There was a good ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! N.E.F.A.R., Bunnell, FL, March 24, 2018 (2018-03-26)
WOW! What great weather. This was a re-schedule for the postponed March 10 launch. Not many fliers today, probably one third of the normal crowd. They missed out on the best weather of the year. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! N.E.F.A.R. Monthly, April 14, 2018 (2018-04-15)
From Greg Lukach on the Nefar Facebook page, Friday night: "Ok everyone - important announcement. The launch is still a go. HOWEVER - parking will be very limited. The field is still a bit soft. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! N.E.F.A.R., Bunnell, FL, June 9, 2018 (2018-06-10)
The heat is on! NEFAR hasn't had a lunch since April. To make ammends, there were no launch fees today. My first up was an Odd'l Rockets LITTLE GREEN MAN with a German Quest B6-4. Textbook launch to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM 60 Saturday, August 4, Rocketeer Reunion (2018-08-05)
The first day of launches at the NARRAM field was a sport launch. A few were testing their boost gliders and streamer duration models. I was very surprised to see Brian Urban from Tampa, TTRA and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: N.E.F.A.R. Launch, Bunnell, FL, October 13, 2018 (2018-10-14)
Florida is still hot but it wasn't as bad as an August launch! Low winds, maybe 5 mph and clear skies. I'm still getting used to a new camera. I bought a used 75 - 300 mm zoom lens and that led to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: A Run-in at the N.E.F.A.R. Monthly (2018-10-23)
On October 13 I had an interesting interaction with a another flyer. While waiting for the next rack, a flyer talked up his 3D printed model. He was pleased with his work. Larger than a BT-60 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Home made gadget meets bomb squad (2009-03-25)
The TSA's Evolution of Security blog has a post warning do-it-yourselfers, hackers, and 'Makers' not to try to sneak home made electronics by the screeners. These things look suspicious on the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Fire and Forget - GOODBYE! (2010-07-10)
I went to the monthly NEFAR launch in Bunnell, Florida. The Fire and Forget rocket was one of my first out of eight launches today. The RSO read my description: "Anyone who finds it can keep it to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Jolly Roger Model Profile (2010-08-08)
After staining the fins on the Sky Hook, I was reminded of another recent build. This model does resemble the The Big Red Max, only with a nautical theme. The skull and crossbones carry more of a ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: New Estes LED Launch Controller (2011-01-27)
Estes has already sent out new LED launch controllers to TRF members for testing. Their reviews are now being posted - here's mine: At Jaunuary's NEFAR launch in Bunnell , Florida, John Bishop gave ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Darrell Mobley (2011-08-12)
I just read that Darrell Mobley has passed away. Darrell ran the Rocketry Planet websites and forums. I was fortunate to meet Darrell once at a NEFAR launch in Bunnell, Florida. Like so many in the ... [Read More] Blog: Rocketry Loses Another Friend (2011-08-12)
Darrell Mobley created Rocketry Online, one of the first rocketry web sites on the internet. Later, he started Rocketry Planet which has become the premiere site on the web for ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Talon 2 flight anomaly (2012-04-21)
TRF [Read More] Blog: Photo Album T-Shirts, Posters, Postage Stamps, and More …. (2012-04-23)
When viewing an image in the Photo Album, you may see a link under “What You Can Do” for ordering a t-shirt, printed photo, poster, genuine US postage stamp, or other ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: The Big Fix! - Scavenger (2013-06-11)
After a hard landing at the May NEFAR launch, the Scavenger needs a new upper tube. The ejection charge pushed off the nose cone but not the parachute. This should be any easy repair. I've ... [Read More]
Orlando Rocketry: Bigger Big Daddy Akavish Video (2013-11-23)
Here’s a video about the Bigger Big Daddy Akavish which we, Bracha and Roger, launched at during NEFAR’s Bunnell Blast in November. [Read More] Launch of the Bigger Big Daddy Akavish (2013-11-29)
Bracha and I launched our “Bigger” Big Daddy Akavish at the NEFAR Bunnell Blast launch a couple of weeks ago. We flew it on a CTI L800 motor, the largest motor that I’ve used ... [Read More] Testing the Phantom 2 Vision “Control Signal Lost” Altitude Issues (2013-12-22)
At the NEFAR rocket launch last weekend, I had my Phantom 2 Vision quadcopter report “Control Signal Lost.” I found that it happened each time that I tried to increase the altitude above ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Odd'l Rockets Little Green Man C6-5 Flight (2014-08-13)
Jimmy Yawn shot a great video of a Little Green Man flight at the recent NEFAR launch. CLICK HERE Scroll down to the 12th video [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Return of the Little Green Man Video (2014-09-04)
Roger Smith has been busy with his video editor. CLICK HERE The revised Little Green man video shows an added C6-5 flight from last months Bunnell NEFAR launch. The Little Green Man is very "vocal" ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Spudnik Kaboom! (2014-11-14)
Roger Smith took a great sequence showing the A10-3t engine cato in the Spudnik at last week's Bunnell Blast. CLICK HERE Scroll down about halfway and step through the sequence. It always looks ... [Read More] The YouBee's Last Flight (2015-01-24)
I launched my YouBee, a 12-foot tall upscale of the Odd’l Rocket’s Break Away rocket, on a CTI L1115 motor at NEFAR’s Bunnell Blast on November 9. The rocket reached about 5000 ... [Read More] Local Launches this Summer (2015-06-22)
ROCK holds launches on the first Saturday of each month. This July, the first Saturday is July 4. Because of the holiday, ROCK is skipping their July launch. The next ROCK launch will be August 1. ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: More Break-Away Test Flights (2015-09-12)
The new Odd'l Rockets prototype BREAK-AWAY had two more successful test launches September 12 at the monthly NEFAR launch in Bunnell, Florida. First up with an Estes B6-4 to an ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Break-Away Test Flight Video (2015-09-27)
I tested the new Break-Away rocket twice at the last NEFAR launch on September 12. Jimmy Yawn shot video and posted the first B6-4 flight. To see the launch and recovery, CLICK HERE Scroll ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Composite engine to Black Powder Staging? (2015-11-17)
From the October 11 N.E.F.A.R. launch, I posted this picture and copy: I did a double take when I read the name on Scott Border's Ascender. Clever and funny. The booster was a composite F51, ... [Read More] Upcoming Launches – Bunnell Blast and (Turkey and) GRITS (2017-11-08) will be at NEFAR’s Bunnell Blast the weekend of November 11 and 12 near Daytona Beach, Florida. Then we will be at the GRITS Launch near Tifton, Georgia, November 25 and 26. ... [Read More]
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