Rocket Dungeon: Delta X-15, all decalled up (2011-09-09)
As mentioned earlier, I have the decals on my Hostile Projectiles Delta X-15, the USAF/MDRA version. I took several photos, all of which are pretty poor quality. Couldn't decide which to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: "Is that X-15 Model Really the Right Color?" (2016-08-16)
Dean Black has written a paper discussing the true color of the X-15s, why it is that color and how to make your model's color true to scale. It's a .pdf and not hosted anywhere so I'll provide a ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch! Schoolyard Soccer Field, May 8, 2020 (2020-05-09)
The morning temperatures were going to be around 56 degrees. This might be the last cool morning for a while! I walked over to the Soccer field a little after 7 a.m. I prepped two Micro Maxx rockets ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Big day in the RLV and Space Transport News (2009-06-23)
More missile-aneous stuff from Clark . Haven't read them...yet... Asabooster CD004 (pdf) - "a conceptual design for a [VTHL] reusable rocket vehicle able to lift 152 lbs with a total delta ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Big a$$ rocket of the day - 1/3 scale X-15 dry fit (2009-09-06)
Via TRF . Will fly at Plaster Blaster . [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Big a$$ rocket of the day - 1/3 scale X-15 at Plaster Blaster - RIP (2009-11-08)
Find out more about this totally awesome but ill-fated project on TRF . [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Breaking news: the Dungeon is bombarded by Hostile Projectiles (2009-11-22)
While I was gone for the weekend, my order from Hostile Projectiles arrived! I got both the V-2 and the Delta X-15. Here are my initial impressions. I'll start with the reason I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Hostile Projectiles update (2009-11-24)
Here is the V-2, flight ready and waiting for primer. I ended up laminating the fins with paper since I couldn't get the fin template off the balsa. The instructions have you attach the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: V-2 status (and other stuff) (2009-11-29)
Well, a little sanding and a re-coat did the trick. Trying to sand the base of the cone actually lifted all the primer. I sanded the exposed areas good before the re-priming. My ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Delta X-15 (2009-12-03)
I built a RockSim 9 model of the Hostile Projectiles Delta X-15. There are a couple of measurements that I need to confirm (such as how fat the upper and lower stabilizers hand over the rear ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Making a list and checking it twice... (2009-12-06)
Warthog just announced the date for build session 2010-1 so I've started my list of what to bring and what to build. The theme is intitiator dipping and a swap meet. So, wires are on the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Aerospace Modeling Links (2009-12-23)
{The length of my sidebar has started to bug me. To rectify said bugging, I'm moving this list from a Blogger links-list gadget in the sidebar to this post. I'll add a link to the post ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: "The Complete Future" (2009-12-30)
Here is a page dedicated to Future acrylic floor finish, now branded as Pledge with Future Shine. As a clarification for non-rocketeers, Future is used to seal/reinforce decals and to give a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The Delta X-15 siren song (2010-01-06)
I couldn't control myself. The call to build was just too strong. I thought about chaining myself to the couch but was too weak. So, the motor mount, complete with aftermarket ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: A small but boring TGIF post (quick update) (2010-01-08)
The new Sport Rocketry is out, but mine isn't here and mine arrived today ! Another ~2+ inches of snow and cold weather and wind...bad painting weather unless you have a vented booth. As ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Warmish, dry, calm weather means: (2010-01-23)
Primer is going on the Delta X-15 and the SS-7.5 ICBM . [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Why ask why...and other build status (2010-01-26)
Q: Why is it I never seem to take the time necessary to get a (near) perfect finish? A: Even when I start out with good intentions, I just can't bring myself to stock up on all the proper ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Delta X-15 - ready for flight! (2010-01-27)
Just don't look at the finish too closely. I will try adding a couple of layers of Future after the Rustoleum has dried. After a day, it still smells so I guess it is still out gassing. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Unlearned lessons of the X-15 (2010-02-01)
I really don't like reading on a computer. Especially a netbook. Maybe a e-reader designed for this would be better. Anyway, I started looking at "X-15: Extending the Frontiers of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Astronaut Major Michael J. Adams (2010-02-01)
Mike Adams flew the X-15 for 13 months from 6 October 1966 until 15 November 1967, making seven flights. All of these were with the XLR99 engine and he reached Mach 5.59, a maximum speed of 3,822 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Snowpocalypse, I shake my fist at you (2010-02-21)
Well, Snowpocalypse was like crack to bloggers. At least this one. Yesterday was warmish and sunny and there was a patch of clear ground outside our basement walk-out. Time for ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: From X-15 To X-51. Hypersonic Testing Continues At Edwards AFB (2010-03-05)
There?s some pretty exciting stuff going on at Edwards Air Force Base as the flight test center team gets ready to conduct an awe-inspiring X-51 first flight. The plan is to air launch the X-51A ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2010-2 (2010-03-27)
Location: Great Meadow, The Plains, VA ( NOVAAR ) Weather: high 40's; clear changing to high thin clouds; wind 0 - 5 mph Total flights: Today - 8; YTD - 12 Total motors: Today - 8; YTD - 12 I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mini-flood of reviews (2010-04-11)
EMRR's latest update includes three of my reviews: Hostile Projectiles Delta X-15 , Nike Smoker , and the BMS Astron Invader . That leaves 2 more on the pile. I'm still never going ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2010-5 (2010-05-15)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD ( MDRA ESL-144) Weather: sunny, high 70's, windy Total flights: Today - 12; YTD - 33 Total motors: Today - 12; YTD - 33 The day started badly - the Beltway ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: A week after the launch... (2010-05-22)
True Blood and the Delta X-15 have been treated with CA and touch painted. The Wedgie 's streamer has been trimmed and reattached. And, the Helix 29 has a brand new balance beam. Thus, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: ROCKETS Magazine, June 2010 (2010-06-15)
What's inside: Review of an Estes Saturn V complete with scale gantry; Pt. 5 of Black Magic Missile Work's electronics series; Rocket girl Haley Allen; Launch report from the Phoenix Missile Works ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: X-15 video from takeoff to landing (2010-07-22)
"This joint program by NASA, the Air Force, the Navy, and North American operated the most remarkable of all the rocket research aircraft. Composed of an internal structure of titanium and a skin ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: You can never have too much X-15 (2010-07-22)
(via R2K ) [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2010-10 (2010-08-21)
Location: Old National Pike Park, Mt. Airy, MD ( NARHAMS ) Weather: overcast, mid 80's, humid, wind 5mph Total flights: Today - 12; YTD - 90 Total motors: Today - 14; YTD - 118 This was a great day ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: A hydrogen-fueled, scramjet-powered X-15D (2010-12-06)
This is a photo of Scott Lowther's master for a forthcoming Fantastic Plastic ?X-15D? . This looks pretty cool and is new to me, looking different than the X-15 SERJ (supercharged ejector ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Deuce XL5 (2010-12-24)
The Deuce XL5 was my Descon-13 entry and, for the record, the following were the attributes as they applied to the contest: no Micro-Maxx, x2 cluster, sci-fi, comedy(?), most parts from a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Shrox Industria - SHX-15 (2010-12-30)
Any 'rocket scientist' will immediately recognize the similarity between the SHX-15 and the actual X-15 rocket plane. I assume the new name just absolved Shrox from keeping to scale. This cool rocket ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review of Micro Projects: Six MicroMaxx Rockets (2011-01-12)
I decided these little things were too small to warrant their own posts, so I grouped a bunch of them together, including the Quest Tomahawk Starter Set, Heller 1/300 X-15 PMC, and several scratch ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rocketplane girl! (2011-03-08)
With a big hat tip to Brian...presenting Miss Edwards. via NASA DFRC circa 1962 [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: What the heck is coning, anyway? (2011-03-17)
Per the archived EMRR glossary : Coning - An unstable flight condition in which a rocket's spin causes the rear portion of the rocket to describe a circle. Coning greatly increases aerodynamic ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Daedalus static build (2011-04-24)
I haven't seen any sport rocketry activity from Steve Neill and Hostile Projectiles for some time (here are reviews of my HP builds: V-2 , Delta X-15 ). Most of his recent blog activity has ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: X-15 Space Record Plane Flown To 59-mile Mark 1962 Universal Newsreel (2011-07-02)
Also information about Echo-1. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Selling rocket parts to Jay Leno (and new-space companies too) (2011-08-19)
Parabolic Arc's Doug Messier interviews Carlos Guzman of rocket surplus mega store Norton Sales . Most surplus stores don't deal with ITAR, the FBI, low-riders and Jay Leno. Norton is ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Stupid rocket trick #18 (2011-09-09)
It's been a while since I made one of these posts. Not that I haven't done anything stupid in between, I just haven't done anything that stood out. Except maybe leaving the ejection charge out ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2011-6 (2011-09-17)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD ( MDRA ESL-160) Weather: cloudy, high 60s, wind ~5 MPH Total flights: Today - 4; YTD - 52 Total motors: Today - 4; YTD - 67 The day started poorly with ... [Read More] Blog: Photos from the January, 2012, Tampa Tripoli Rocket Launch (2012-01-22)
The year started off great for TTRA with nice weather for the first launch of the year. The day began with light winds and a mostly-clear sky. As clouds moved in later, the wind ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Tampa TTRA Launch January 21, 2012 (2012-01-23)
My small car as loaded down in preparation for a show in nearby Dade City. I flew as many as possible before leaving at 2:45 p.m. Here's some highlights of the Tampa TTRA launch last Saturday - ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: X-15 with B-52 flyover (2012-01-31)
X-15 Rogers Dry Lake , a photo by amphalon on Flickr. Rogers Dry Lake, Calif. in September 1961. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: XF-91 Thunderceptor (2012-02-08)
XF-91 Thunderceptor , a photo by Kemon01 on Flickr. Via Wikipedia: The Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor was a mixed-propulsion prototype interceptor aircraft, developed by Republic Aviation. The ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Feed reader stars, tweets and other interesting links (2012-03-22)
Video: Demo of explosive polymerization - No comments about the residue, please. Semroc has three new Starship kits: Vega, Excalabur, and Correy . Historical note: Blue Scout / X-15 - ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: And, a dose of vintage rockets... (2012-03-24)
...and, rocket-related accessories. Last rocket batch from my stroll through the H.A.M.B. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: In case there is any doubt about the main theme here! (2012-04-02)
With a big hat tip to Kemon01 . [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Launching an X-15 from an XB-70 (2012-04-18)
"The proposed X-15A-3 was a stretched, delta-winged version intended for extended duration flight at Mach 6+. As with the X-15 and X-15A-2 versions, the plan was to launch the X-15A-3 from a B-52 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Links roundup (2012-04-19)
Billionaire-Backed Space Venture Planetary Resources to be Unveiled April 24 - - The new venture, named Planetary Resources , "will overlay two critical sectors — space e ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Links roundup (2012-04-24)
Intrepid Museum/Space Shuttle Enterprise - The Enterprise is now slated to be moved on Friday the 27th. This site seems to be a good source of updates. The big space news today is ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Links roundup (2012-04-30)
A Lyrid meteor shower look back: Exploding fireball scatters debris over central California - Capital Weather Gang - Includes a photo of the daytime fireball and tells the story of the only ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: X-15A-2 launch from B-52 with ablative coating and external tanks. (2012-05-15)
X-15A-2 launch from B-52 with ablative coating and external tanks. , a photo by Kemon01 on Flickr. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2012-3 (2012-05-20)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD ( MDRA ESL-168) Weather: high 60's to low 70's, overcast, wind 5-15 mph Total flights: Today - 11; YTD - 17 Total motors: Today - 11; YTD - 23 Motors by ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: X-15 Rocket Plane Onboard Time-Lapse Movies (2012-06-05)
"Edited footage from onboard time-lapse motion picture cameras looking aft and pointing toward the nose make a quick flight seem even faster as the X-15 launches from its B-52 mother ship, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: "X-15 Rocket Plane Onboard Time-Lapse Movies" (2012-06-06)
" The X-15 rocket-powered research aircraft could fly faster than 4,000 miles an hour and reached the edge of space in the 1960s. Edited footage from onboard time-lapse motion picture cameras ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Links roundup (2012-07-24)
today in 1950: 1st rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. The rocket was a Bumper 8, a German V-2 captured after WWII — NASA History Office (@NASAhistory) July 24, 2012 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Links roundup (2012-10-24)
HISTORICAL NOTE: BLUE SCOUT / X-15 , Citizens in Space (via Space for All ) Vapor Cones (not called Prandtl–Glauert singularity) , High Power Rocketry Japan’s Urban Spaceship: ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry March/April 2013 (2013-03-17)
As indicated but the cover, the lead article is about foam cup rockets, from the early ones at the Pearl River mocroc convention in the early '80s through today's kits by Fliskits and Odd'l. I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Vintage Atlas and X-15 infographics (2013-03-26)
Here are two rocket illustrations for this chilly Tuesday. They come from Flickr user paul.malon. If you want to read the text, click through to Paul's photo stream, right click the photo and select ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: 2 x B52 = B104? (2013-03-30)
As seen on TV! , a photo by Kemon01 on Flickr. Is this April 1st? This could have been a retro version of the Statolaunch Carrier Aircraft. I'd like to have seen one with a jumbo version of the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Fliskits Pheord X150 Build Part 9 Antenna Gluing & Finished! (2013-05-03)
This was a fun, quick build except for the antennas! They weren't easy to bend but really add a lot to the looks of the model. The antennas were hooked under the trailing edge of the fins and set ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Yes, the X-15 is everyone's favorite x-plane (2013-05-07)
Beyond Apollo has a nice article on the X-15, in which he says that it is a contender for the title of “Everyone’s Favorite X-plane.” I guess you see that I put in my vote in this ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: X-15 pilots down time (2013-06-20)
[Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The U.S. astronauts who made the ultimate sacrifice - ALL of them. (2013-07-01)
#ShuttleAtlantis: Ultimate sacrifice , a photo by Fifth World Art on Flickr. I have posted several times about NASA's Day of Remembrance, which honors the astronauts who lost their lives in the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2013-8 (2013-09-28)
Location: Carroll County Ag Center ( NARHAMS ) Weather: mid 60's, ground wind <5 mph, upper wind ???, cloudy Total flights: Today - 13; YTD - 51 Total motors: Today - 13; YTD - 54 Motors by ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: My flyable fleet (2013-10-10)
After seeing ~1/10 of Dave Bucher's huge fleet on Facebook, I thought I'd snapshot mine, which consists of a paltry 233 birds. First sort criteria is a column that's not showing, breaking the list ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Quest X-15 Parts Pack Available (2014-02-26)
On YORF, Scigs30 was doing a great build of the OOP Quest X-15 kit, HERE He mentioned that the parts were still available. Quest has most of the parts including the most important, the DECALS and ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Small Parts Orders (2014-03-11)
I got my Quest X-15 parts packs yesterday. The body tube and centering rings were not in the parts pack, you'll need those Quest parts to make the model. An ST-7 engine mount tube fits the Quest ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2014-2 (2014-03-15)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD ( ESL-190 ) Weather: 61 degrees, sunny, wind 10-20mph Total flights: Today - 6; YTD - 9 Total motors: Today - 6; YTD - 9 Motors by class YTD: MMX-1, A-2, C-1, E-1, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sport Rocketry, May/June 2014 (2014-05-13)
This issue features two build articles - the upscale Deuces Wild! shown on the cover and a flying saucer-like rocket built from a Styrofoam snowflake. I actually like the snowflake rocket better. I ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Cox X-15 Flight Manual (2014-09-09)
On YORF, Tim Morley was looking for the Cox Nike Zeus instructions. While searching online, I came across the Cox X-15 instructions. CLICK HERE While it was interesting to look over the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2014-11 (2014-09-20)
Location: NARHAMS, Mt Airy Weather: sunny, high of 84, wind 5-10 Total flights: Today - 9; YTD - 89 Total motors: Today - 9; YTD - 79 Motors by class YTD: H2O-17, uHybrid-1, MMX-1, A-3, B-6, C-16, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Tumblr embed test (2015-12-21)
X15-A-2 [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Model Profile - Estes Jinx or Vampire? (2016-01-04)
At the January ROCK launch somebody had an Estes RTF Jinx rocket. I remember seeing these for sale at WalMart a few years back. That Jinx design seemed familiar. Go back to the 1974 Estes catalog to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARAM Manufacturer Forum - New Products (2020-07-28)
I tried to get i n on the virtual NARAM Manufacturer's Forum last night, but the NARAM website wouldn't load! Here's some of the comments from TRF this morning from some who did see it: ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Breaking news from the rocket vendors! (Part 1) (2020-07-28)
One of the special events associated with NARCON and NARAM is the manufacturer's forum, where the rocketry vendors gather to announce new products and give us rocketeers a preview of things to come. ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Launch, L.A.S.E.R., Groveland, FL, December 20, 2020 (2020-12-21)
Cool weather, low winds and a small chance of afternoon rain. I took the 70 minute drive to Groveland to join the L.A.S.E.R. monthly launch. I tried the MMX BLUE BIRD ZERO first, but had trouble ... [Read More]
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