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Flight Log - 2023-04-02 - Wes Munn's Gyrometric

Scratch built helicopter recovery rocket.

Flight Date: 2023-04-02
Rocket Name: Gyrometric
Flyer's Name: Wes Munn
Motors: A8-3
Launch Site: Dalzell, SC

Second flight. Flew straight and true without issue. Blades fully deployed but did not spin. Rocket came down on the flight line, but didn't hit anyone. One blade snapped loose from the central hub, but very repairable with super glue at the joints. Chuck Haislip, our club prefect gave me some pointers on getting blades to deploy. It was found the metal hub tube came loose from the wooden hub...may need to secure better with epoxy or buff out the tube for more abrasion for regular super glue to grip it better. Chuck also suggested shorter rubber bands and to cant the blades a bit to pick up more spin.

1Estes A8-3


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