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Scratch Vinyl Pig Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Vinyl Pig {Scratch}

Contributed by Richard Vatsaas

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Richard Vatsaas - 12/10/01)

The Vinyl Pigskin of Porcine Revenge

Excited about entering the EMRR Stomp Rocket Contest, I stopped by my local Walmart to find a likely subject, one that wouldn't bust the budget (Ok, I'm really, reaaaaally cheap).  My eyes lit upon this little number, The Peyton Manning MicroVortex Howler. This little foam thing resembles a stunted WWII anti-tank Rocket: A foam foot ball with a foam, arrow like tail (Is Manning such a poor throw, that he would endorse a football with a stabilizing empennage?). I figured if I removed the tail ,inserted a BT-5 and glued the foam fins back on to it, I would have a neat little rocket.

I dubbed it the The Vinyl Pigskin of Porcine Revenge


Or, Launch For Maximum Altitude!


Flying the The Vinyl Pigskin of Porcine Revenge:

The VPOPR Flies great on A10-3Ts, It's not proven if 1/2As are up to the task

Whistles: This can be heard all the way up, until apogee, when velocity drops too low to activate the whistle. Pitch, and volume of the whistle increase/decreases with velocity.

Recovery: The VPOR kicks its motor and falls to earth using B.O.I.N.K. Recovery. Because of the rubbery football, it bounces upward a good 6-8 feet.

Fun factor: Its hard to get more fun from a $3.00 Investment. It was a big hit at the October 2001 MASA Launch

For instructions to make your own see below.

On the PadReady for its' maiden flight.
The Estes Moondog is included for scale


  • Peyton Manning Micro Vortex Howler
  • 6" of Estes BT-5 Tube
  • Plastic Soda Straw
  • Engine Block
  • Cellophane Tape
  • Epoxy


  1. Remove Missile from Packaging Cardboard
  2. Cut the shaft from the football, about 1" from where the shaft enters the football..
  3. Carefully cut the Foam Fins from the amputated shaft using a razor blade.
  4. cut a 6" long piece of BT-5 tube (This will make the projectile at tad more stable).
  5. using epoxy, glue three foam fins onto the BT-5 tube just as they were on the foam shaft
  6. If desired, add an engine block to the tube ( I just build up a thrust ring with tape on the motor).
  7. Paint Tube Black to match the foam tube. Be sure to mask off the foam fins.
  8. Once all glue and paint is dry, apply epoxy to the forward end of the tube and insert over the stub of the shaft, until it stops inside the football, allow to cure.
  9. Applying the launch lug: Leaving the Straw its full length, lay it over the football and alongside one fin (this will be at the very edge of the fin. When you are certain you have the straw parallel with the Tube/Shaft tape the straw in place on the foot ball and on the fin (using tape maybe frowned on by some, but because of the flexible nature of the material, it holds better than any glue will). Once secure, cut away the part of the straw that does not contact the football or the fin.
  10. Complete.

Figure 1:
Preparing the Howler

Figure 2:
Reassembling as the
Vinyl Pigskin of Porcine Revenge

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