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Scratch Avenger GT-12 Spaceracer Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - Avenger GT-12 Spaceracer {Scratch}

Contributed by Will Newman

Manufacturer: Scratch
(Contributed - by Will Newman - 07/06/08)

EMRR Box O'Parts Entry: Avenger GT-12 Spaceracer

Box came with old monogram car decals.....so I decided to build a rocket racer.

  • 3 bt-20 tubes, 6' long, glued parallel, became trimount for motor[s].
  • 1/4' slices of old motor casing was used for motor thrust blocks, motor[s] are friction fit. 1/2' protrudes.
  • This assembly was mounted into a 7.5' segment of bt-60, with 3' showing.
  • 1/4' slice of bt-60 at tail end for decoration.
  • odd slice of bt-70 for dorsal fin tube: 3.5' on long side, 2.5' on short side....mounted on motor tubes....this side becomes the top [back, dorsal] side.
  • odd plastic 'spacestation' piece for decoration mounted infront of bt-70 on centerline.....sanded to fit well onto bt-60 tube.

I finessed a piece of bt-60 into a coupling, and used another 4' piece of bt-60 for a nose cone [picts show early attempt to use half of Easter egg, but had NO luck trying to cement egg plastic to tube]. Resorted to sliceing tube at 90 degree marks, and collapsing it around a segment of 'yellow pusher tube' that fits inside bt-20 tube. Odd tape center [rocket looking part, but non-standard size, 1.25' O.D.] around the lot for style. 3/4' wood bead for nose termination. 2 oz of weight in nose for stability.

C1 C2

Main fin cut from FedEx box, long trapzoid, 9' x 2.5' x 6', glued on bottom centerline, 3.5' section of bt-50 glued at rear. Long triangular fin cut from box 9' x 2', and a cutout to clear the bt-50 tube. two yellow stuffer tubes glued beside bottom fin, in front of bt-50, for show. Two 10' long kebab sticks glued along main fin/main body tube to reduce some 'wobble'.

Hexagonal space part [Estes?] was cut in two, sanded to fit along sides of main body for flavor, and several square and rectangular sections of crushed tubes were glued to the exterior to be hatches and panels......but they don't show so good under the black paint.

5' x 2' piece of cardstock was fiddled into a canopy. center is 5/8' wide, front segments are 1' long, rear 2'.

C3 C4

FlightRocket has pretty pink lace shock cord [mounted in usual messy fashion] and a 12' parachute.

flew three times on 7/4.

1] three B6-4's....top two ignited, flew fairly straight up about 200', safe recovery.

2] three B6-4's....all lit, about 350', safe recovery.

3] three C6-7's....only bottom lit, did 100' vertical, 500' horizontal into the bushes......need to rebuild the nose.

Other pict is three other rockets I got when I shook the box even harder

Quest rocket stand donated fins for yellow nosed job, flew well on mini A10-3, streamer recovery.

Party popper nosecone has bt-50 plastic fin can, streamer, flew great on A8's and B6's 50-cal is for mini A10's, tumble recovery....clear plastic fins don't show.

Had fun!

B1 B2

B3 B4

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