Construction Rating: | starstarstarstarstar |
Flight Rating: | starstarstarstarstar_border |
Overall Rating: | starstarstarstarstar |
Manufacturer: | Art Applewhite Rockets ![]() |
Won this Art Applewhite saucer kit as part of the 2009 EMRR Rocket
Video Contest. offers
numerous cool oddrocs in various styles (saucers, pyramids, monocopters, hourglass/spools, etc) and sizes (i.e. 4"
to 18" diameter saucers). I had been thinking about scratch building a saucer for sometime, and am glad I got hold
of this kit first. The finished kit is as strong as anything I would have scratch built and much more light weight.
Parts provided by kit:
Tools and materials required:
The top half and core are constructed using cardstock and white glue (I used wood glue). As mentioned in a previous review, plates and bowls are used to keep things centered up and to apply uniform pressure when gluing the core to the top half. Simple, easily executed technique that I would have not thought of myself. Up to this point everything was constructed out of card stock and seemed fairly flimsy.
After using the plate cutting guide to cut out the core hole from the plastic picnic plate, the plastic picnic plate is placed over/around the core and glued together at the core. At this point the build was getting more sturdy.
A fin can is created by cutting fins from the basswood, and gluing to the provided motor mount. I glued the provided 3/16” launch lug to the fin can as instructed. I also added a 1/4” launch lug to the fin can, as I prefer to launch from a wider diameter rod. The fin can is then glued into the core.
At this point, the kit was complete except for finishing. With the addition of the fin can, the kit was surprisingly strong to me. I have no doubt, the kit will hold up to any g motors and likely many larger motors.
The original flying saucer kits are available in fluorescent green, fluorescent yellow, fluorescent orange, white,
smiley, and hot pink. I ordered the white figuring i would paint it a mixture of colors. In the end i decided to paint
it silver and apply silver monokote on the top portion of the rocket.
My final weight came in at 2.5 oz, instead of the manufactured listed 1.5 oz. I think the extra ounce was due to the addition of monokote, the extra launch lug, and overapplication of epoxy.
Construction Rating: 5 out of 5
For the initial launch, I loaded up an Aerotech G64W-4. The instructions describe using friction fit for motor
retention. In lieu of friction fit, I opted to loop 20 gauge steel write around the nozzle of the motor and through the
provided 3/16” launch lug. The saucer was then placed on a 1/4” rod. Launch winds were 10 mph.
Everyone at the launch was surprised by how quickly the saucer leapt off the pad, how high the saucer went, and how straight the saucer flew. The saucer quit ascending almost immediately upon motor burnout.
After reaching apogee, the saucer turned over and started flipping/fluttering toward the ground. I'm not certain
flipping is normal behavior of saucer recovery. If not, I suspect the flipping had something to do with the extra
weight I added during construction. Regardless, the saucer descended slowly and safely, and everything was recovered
intact ready to fly again.
Flight Rating: 4 out of 5
If you are looking to build a saucer, definitely consider checking out This kit produces a
great saucer, and definitely teaches the builder that light weight materials can be used to create very strong rockets.
Overall Rating: 5 out of 5
( Contributed - by Dick Stafford - 11/15/02) Brief: I don't know what Art is feeding his saucers, but they just seem to keep gettin' BIGGER. His latest offering is 10.25 inches in diameter and flies on 29mm motors. The construction is almost identical to his 7.5 and 9-inch saucers, with a few components beefed up a bit. This one is fluorescent orange, but he also offers a 'Texas ...
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DAU (July 21, 2003)