AKA BoB or B.O.B.
CP Method: | Rocksim/Rocksim |
CP Position From Front: | 69.89 inches |
Diameter: | 1.90 inches |
Fin Material: | Fiberglass |
Manufacturer: | Vaughn Brothers |
Motor Size: | 29 millimeters |
Nose Cone Material: | Plastic |
Power: | Mid-Power |
Product Type: | Kit |
Recovery: | Parachute |
Status: | Out-Of-Production |
Style: | Sport |
Brief Vaughn Brothers - Ballistic or Bust - 29mm, 30" nylon parachute, recommended F25-H70, pre-cut fiberglass fins, plywood centering rings, thru-the-wall fin attachment. Construction I could look into the clear plastic bag and see all of the parts so there was no way of getting short changed. The only special tool needed was a razor knife which helped greatly. I also used a paint brush ...
Building a 2-Stage Rocket from a Single-Stage Kit - Rocketry Planet
Scott McLeod describes how to "kitbash" the BoB into a two-stage rocket.