A 4" fiberglass kit with split fins, avionics bay, and 75mm motor mount. As built for my L3 cert flight the avionics bay contained a Missileworks RRC3 and a Perfectflight Stratologger CF. Recovery harnesses were made from 1/4" tubular Kevlar, with a 24" drogue and 84" main from Spherachutes.
Originally purchased in a Black Friday sale in 2012 as a package deal with a Cesaroni 75mm 5G motor hardware package. this was going to be my L3 bird which got derailed when I moved to NW Florida and a suitable field became a much longer trip. I finally committed to a trip to Argonia, KS in 2015 and the Frenzy came together in a 48hr "frenzy" prior to a successful L3 cert flight on the final day of Airfest 21.
Flight Date: | 2017-02-04 |
Rocket Name: | Madcow Frenzy XL "The Trout" |
Flyer's Name: | Matthew Bond |
Motors: | L1410-ALTIM |
Expected Altitude: | 12,700 Feet |
Wind Speed: | 5.00 mph |
Launch Site: | PMW Sky Jam 2017 |
Actual Altitude: | 11,499 Feet |
Drove up to Birmingham for the 2 day PMW launch and the opportunity to fly my Level 3 cert rocket again. There aren't too many fields around in the Southeast that have the waiver needed for this bird. I got there a little early and it was bitter cold. for some reason, the little hollow that we were set up in just wouldn't warm up, and the slight breeze just cut right though everything I had on. Loaded up a big Skidmark "L" for an all up round weight of 26 lbs. and headed to the pads. Winds at altitude were reported as light, and opposite direction from what was blowing across the ground. I tried to get the rail as straight as I could and pushed the button. Nothing on the first try, the stock CTI igniter burned but did not light the motor. Procured a spare and tried again. Motor lit and came up to pressure a little slow, but eventually the rocket roared off the pad on a big black sparky cloud, with a couple of nice echoes off the surrounding tree lines. I lost sight of it after motor burnout, but several folks called out the drogue deployment at apogee. Had a strong signal from the tracker and eventually heard the main charge go off overhead. Rocket landed approximately 350 yards away across the road in a small field. No damage, perfect flight.
Stage | Motor(s) |
1 | CTI L1410-SK-ALTIM |