Matthew Bond's PageAKA: Buckaroo Location: Niceville, FL Certification Level: L3 NAR/Tripoli Club Memberships: NAR,Tripoli Favorite Rockets: Estes - Starblazer X-20 Biography: Grew up building and flying Estes rockets in the 70s and 80s. Took a break from rocketry for college/job/marriage/kids/mortgage/etc. Started back into rocketry when my kids were old enough. Been in and out several times since then. Discovered high power rocketry in 2009 with the Music City Missile Club in Manchester, Tennessee. Got my L1 at Southern Thunder in June 2009 flying a scratch built upscale of a Thrustline Duster. Got my L2 in May 2010 with an upscaled Estes Super Neon. Moved to SoCal in 2010 and had a great couple of years flying with the ROC crowd in Lucerne Valley, CA. Moved to the Florida panhandle in 2012 and am currently flying with the Southeast Alabama Rocketry Society. Made the trek to Argonia, KS for Airfest XXI in September 2015 and got my L3 flying a Madcow Frenzy XL kit on a Cesaroni M1540-IMax. My low power fleet/build pile still outnumbers my high power projects many times over but the bigger builds are slowly taking over my time and attention (not to mention my wallet).
Favorite Quote: Luke: I... I don't believe it!
Yoda: sighs... That... is why you fail.
Club Home Page: Pages:
2024-06-08Estes Argosy Flight Really ripped off the pad. I lost site of it but luckily spotted the parachute on the ground after a brief search. - B6-4 - Lafayette CAT Park [More]
2023-11-10Estes Laser Lance Flight Flys really well on this motor. Drifted quite a ways with the wind. - C11-3 - NSL East Pence Indiana [More]
2019-12-07Estes Solar Warrior  Flight Awesome boost, smooth, straight and high, nose up, still climbing a bit at ejection. Chute fouled a bit, rocket came down quickly, backsliding under the fouled chute. Landed 20’ or so from the pads, no damage. - E12-6 - SEARS [More]
Custom Rockets Atomic  Flight Awesome flight, fast, straight and high off the rod, arcing over at the top of the climb, nose up, still climbing a bit at ejection. Good chute, medium walk, sod landing, no damage. - C6-5 - SEARS [More]
Semroc Cherokee C  Flight Perfect flight, straight and smooth of the rod, underneath the clouds, arcing over at the top of the climb, nose up at ejection. Good chute, short walk, no damage. - B6-4 - SEARS [More]
Semroc Mini Optima  Flight Kind of a damp, cloudy day at the field, had to judge where the cloud deck was. Nice straight, smooth boost, disappearing into the clouds. Heard the ejection charge and eventually picked it up as it descended below the clouds. Long time coming down under a 12” chute. ... [More]
InFlight Rockets A-20 Demon Clone Kit  Flight Great boost, smooth, straight and high, arcing over, nose up at ejection. Good chute, long walk, sod landing, no damage. - D12-5 - SEARS [More]
Thrustline Aerospace Mighty Mick "MMClone"  Flight Last flight of the day. Great boost, smooth and straight, arcing over at the top of the climb, nose up at ejection. Good chute, long walk, sod landing, no damage. - D12-5 - SEARS [More]
Estes Yellow Jacket  Flight Nice straight boost, stayed under the clouds, arcing over at the top of the climb, nose up at ejection. Good chute, short walk, no damage. - B6-4 - SEARS [More]
InFlight Rockets Cherokee D Clone Kit  Flight Great boost, straight, fast and high, nose up at ejection. Good chute, long walk, sod landing, no damage. - D12-5 - SEARS [More]
2010-03-22Estes Super Neon (Kit)  Review
Originally produced by Estes in 1991, the Super Neon was reintroduced on 2007. The Super Neon is a tube fin rocket that also sports small “stub” fins on each of the tube fins. The Super Neon flies on the standard assortment of 18mm black powder motors and uses a 12 inch parachute ... [More]
2010-02-24Scratch Upscale Black Shadow (Scratch)  Review
Contributed - by Matthew Bond - 02/24/10)
Brief: Inspiration is a funny thing sometimes. Late one night, with all thoughts of sleep far
removed, I found myself perusing the online catalogue of Semroc Astronautics Corporation, particularly the large and
exciting selection of balsa ... [More]
2009-12-31InFlight Rockets Firehawk Clone Kit (Kit)  Review
While browsing through the manufacturers links on EMRR one fine evening, I happened upon a company called InFlight Rockets. The bulk of their product line included a few original designs and a selection of clone kits. The reviews of their kits on EMRR have been quite favorable, and since most ... [More]
2009-12-01Semroc Long Squire (Kit)  Review
( Contributed - by Matthew Bond - 12/01/09)
The Long Squire rocket was designed to meet the requirements of challenge #3 in the 2009 EMRR Challenge. The Long
Squire is a Stage Bash, a two stage rocket constructed from two single stage rocket kits, in this case, two
... [More]
2009-10-01Estes Argosy (Kit)  Review
“Galactic deterrent of ever-threatening invasions, this strike fighter is equipped with laser weaponry, time warp drive and de-ionizing technology. Invisible on all known scanners, Argosy can strike and evade retaliation easily.” Produced by Estes from 1987 to 1990, the Argosy ... [More]
2009-08-31Scratch Clustered Booster Insanity (Scratch)  Review
( Contributed - by Matthew Bond - 08/31/09)
Clustered Booster Insanity (CBI) was originally conceived as an entry for EMRR's "Elevate Eleven" contest,
which would also meet the criteria for challenge #6 in the 2009 EMRR Challenge. A two stage rocket which uses central
... [More]
2009-08-05Thrustline Aerospace Zack Attack (Kit)  Review
Having recently re-energized my addiction to rocketry, I was faced with the task of recreating the core of my
previous rocket fleet. Thinking back, I realized that a great many of the rockets that I liked to fly were the designs
of John Rowan-Stern at Thrustline Aerospace. ... [More]
2009-07-22Quest Evader Cruise Missile (Kit)  Review
My first true "Born Again Rocketeer" experience happened in the late 1990s when my son expressed an interest in the "real" rockets at the hobby shop. We built and flew many of the skill level one rockets around at the time, but I was somewhat disappointed in the lack of imagination that I saw ... [More]
2009-07-21Semroc Magnum Hornet (Kit)  Review Centuri Engineering Company was started in the early 60s and was one of the early pioneers in the model rocket industry. Centuri was sold to Damon Corporation in the late 60s and maintained their product line separately from Estes until 1983. The Magnum Hornet was produced by Centuri from ... [More]
2009-06-29Thrustline Aerospace Black Shadow (Kit)  Review
[Editor's Note: This review is a clone of the Thrustline Aerospace
Black Shadow. Thrustline was out of business for a period of time (when author was cloning the rocket). Thrustline has
recently returned to business selling the Black Shadow as a kit.]
In one of my previous ... [More]
2006-02-05Excelsior Rocketry Goonybird Iron Wombat (Plan) (Kit)  Review
The Iron Wombat is one of Excelsior Rocketry's "Goony Retro-Bash"
line of decal/plan sets. Fred Talasco at Excelsior has created a line of kit
bashes that are a throwback to the old Estes "Goonybirds". All of
Fred's designs are based on old Estes kits (in this ... [More]
2006-01-22Thrustline Aerospace Duster (Kit)  Review
The Duster is an original design from John Rowan-Stern at Thrustline Aerospace.
The Duster is a fairly large, high performance model rocket designed to fly
primarily on Estes 24mm black powder motors (C11/D12) and is rated a skill
level 2/3 build. The Duster is built around a ... [More]
2005-11-22Excelsior Rocketry Der Goony Max (Plan) (Kit)  Review
The Goony Max is one of Excelsior Rocketry's "Goony Retro-Bash" line of decal/plan sets. Fred Talasco at Excelsior has created a line of kit bashes that are a throwback to the old Estes "Goonybirds". Fred's designs are based on old Estes kits (in this case the Red Max), and some original ideas ... [More]
2005-11-11Excelsior Rocketry Goonybird Zero (Plan) (Kit)  Review The Goony Bird Zero is one of Excelsior Rocketry's "Goony Retro-Bash" line of decal/plan sets. Fred Talasco at Excelsior has created a line of kit-bashes that are a throwback to the old Estes "Goony Birds". Fred's designs are based on old Estes kits (in this case the Blue Bird Zero) or his ... [More]
2005-10-09Thrustline Aerospace Blue Bird Zero (Kit)  Review
The Blue Bird Zero is one of Thrustline Aerospace's "Replica Rocket Parts
Packs" line of clone kits. The original BB0 was an Estes kit produced from
1980 to 1985. The BB0 is a fairly long, BT-55 based rocket with a single 18mm
engine mount, 3 large primary fins, 3 small ... [More]
2005-09-05Custom Rockets Sport (Kit)  Review
The Sport is a basic 4 Fin & Nose Cone (4FNC) model from Custom Rocket
Company. The Sport is a long rocket, at just under 30" of BT-50 airframe
that flies on 18mm motors, and comes home under a 12" plastic parachute.
This rocket has a simple sleek look, highlighted ... [More]
2005-08-25Excelsior Rocketry Goonybird Nike-G (Plan) (Kit)  Review
The Nike-G is one of Excelsior Rocketry's Goony Retro-Bash line of
decal/plansets. Fred Talasco at Excelsior has created a line of kit-bashes that
are a throwback to the old Estes Goonybirds. All of Fred's designs
are based on old Estes kits, or original ... [More]
2005-07-31Thrustline Aerospace Duster (Kit)  Review
This is a single stage sport rocket with a long airframe and split fin design
which give it nice lines and makes for a lot of curious rocketeers at any
The kit is composed of two 1.325" diameter body tubes, balsa nosecone,
eyelet, motor tube, two ... [More]
2005-05-22Thrustline Aerospace Double Up (Kit)  Review
The Double Up is an original design from John Rowan-Stern at Thrustline
Aerospace. The Double Up is a fairly simple two stage rocket with a four fin
design, friction fit motor retention, gap staging, and streamer recovery. The
kit is rated skill level three but I would rate it ... [More]
Matthew Bond |