Flight Log - 2016-02-13 - Matthew Bond's 2.70x Upscale Super Neon "Sooper Neon"

2.63" Upscale of the Estes Super Neon.  38mm Motor Mount, Dual Deploy with Pefrectflite MAWD Altimeter.

Flight Date: 2016-02-13
Rocket Name: 2.70x Upscale Super Neon "Sooper Neon"
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: I236-ALTIM
Expected Altitude: 2,210 Feet
Wind Speed: 8.00 mph
Launch Site: SEARS
Actual Altitude: 2,101 Feet

Still pretty windy, but the direction was acceptable so I brought out the Dual Deploy birds.  Great boost, straight and fast, tube fin rockets don't weathercock at all.  I could see the rocket drifting with the wind after motor burnout.  Good drogue at apogee, good main at 500 feet.  Long recovery walk, landed on the field, no damage.

1CTI 413I236-17A-ALTIM


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