Flight Log - 2011-10-08 - Matthew Bond's 2.34x Upscale Sonic Shark

3.1" upscale of the InFlight Sonic Shark.  38mm motor mount, dual deploy.

Flight Date: 2011-10-08
Rocket Name: 2.34x Upscale Sonic Shark
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: I236-ALTIM
Expected Altitude: 2,815 Feet
Wind Speed: 3.00 mph
Launch Site: ROC
Actual Altitude: 2,972 Feet

Finally got the big Shark back in action.  Super fast boost on the CTI Blue Streak motor.  Very straight flight, just arcing over at the top of the climb.  Good drogue deployment at apogee, good main deployment at 500 feet.  Lakebed landing, no damage.  The small foam body tube protector that I duct taped to the shock cord looks like it held up well, I will have to start adding this to all my bigger rockets.

1CTI 413I236-17A-ALTIM


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