Flight Log - 2019-09-07 - Matthew Bond's 1.77x Upscale Duster "Slick Willy"

An upscaled Thrustline Duster, using Semroc body tubes and nose cone, 1/8" plywood fins, 38mm motor mount.  Dual deploy using a Perfectflight MAWD, 12" Top Flite drogue chute, and a 36" hemispherical main by Spherachutes.  My level 1 certification rocket.

Flight Date: 2019-09-07
Rocket Name: 1.77x Upscale Duster "Slick Willy"
Kit Name: Scratch - Upscale Duster {Scratch}
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: H160-ALTIM
Expected Altitude: 3,350 Feet
Wind Speed: 4.00 mph
Launch Site: SEARS
Actual Altitude: 3,020 Feet

Nice Flight!  Flown with a 29mm CTI motor and an adaptor.  Nice straight boost, lost sight of it against the high puffy clouds, never saw the tracking smoke.  Heard the apogee event, but never caught sight of it.  Heard the main charge go off at 500' and was able to locate it under chute about 150 yards out from the pads.  Landed in a plowed section of the field, retrieved by someone already out on recovery, so no walk required.  Lower shock cord severely twisted, no damage to the rocket.

1CTI 312H160-12A-ALTIM


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