Flight Log - 2011-06-12 - Matthew Bond's 1.77x Upscale Duster "Dubya"
Flight Date: 2011-06-12
Rocket Name: 1.77x Upscale Duster "Dubya"
Flyer's Name: Matthew Bond
Motors: H128-8
Expected Altitude: 1,850 Feet
Wind Speed: 3.00 mph
Launch Site: NSL 2011
Actual Altitude: 1,847 Feet

Another nice flight.  Swapped out delay elements ot get an 8 sec delay.  Flown with a Jolly Logic Altimeter One in the booster section with static ports added.  Came off the rail at a slight angle.  Arcing over, still nose up at ejection.  Good chute, short walk, lakebed landing, no damage.  Altimeter reported 1847'.

1Aerotech H128W-8


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