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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Estes / Kits / Xarconian Cruiser

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Solar Warrior {Kit} (3225)

    Model Rocket Building: Xarconian Cruiser? (2013-10-06)
    I recently got an Estes Xarconian Cruiser on EBAY. When Estes introduced it I thought it looked familiar. The above picture is the Estes Xarconian Cruiser. The picture below it is my Starship ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 1 Parts (2013-10-07)
    This is one of the more recent Level 5 kits from Estes, the Xarconian Cruiser. Kit # 3223 It sports an interesting blow-molded canopy nose cone. There's plenty of laser cut "wood" and many decals. ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 2 More Parts (2013-10-08)
    Here's the parts of interest: The canopy nose cone. It's blow-molded with very little seams. The launch lug is 3/16" diameter. The engine mount tube is a standard BT-20 tube, not the thinner ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 3 Fins and Wings (2013-10-09)
    The long strakes are easy to mix up. The upper two are the forward wing strakes. The lower piece is the rudder strake. The front end is a bit smaller than the wing pieces. I taped some ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 4 Engine Mount (2013-10-10)
    Here's the engine mount with the centering rings and clear retaining ring installed. I'm adding a replaceable Kevlar line on this one. The small blue tube is from a generic cotton swab. ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 5 Wing Root Edge Sanding (2013-10-11)
    I didn't align the root edges of the three piece fins. When the pieces were pushed in place the base root edge didn't line up. That's okay, it's easier to sand the root edge even than sand the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 6 Wing Edge Rounding (2013-10-12)
    In the third step the instructions tell you to round the leading and trailing edges before the three piece fins are glued together. Gluing the pieced wings occurs in Steps 5, 6, and 7. Glue the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 7 Wood Grain and Tube Seam Filling (2013-10-13)
    There was a few steps that didn't really need pictures. Brush on CWF filler: 25 minutes 220 grit to knock down most of the dried CWF: 30 minutes 400 grit sanding to smooth all balsa filler: 15 ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 8 Cutting Pod Tubes (2013-10-14)
    The pod tubes are thick walled! Slow down and take your time. The left over pieces from the intake pieces are used to make the wing pods. Start by cutting two 4 1/2" long pieces from each tube ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 9 Pod Detail Piece (2013-10-15)
    While the pod sides are drying, the detail piece is cut out. Cut out the "shield" shaped piece and trace around with a pencil on the left over 2" long tube segment. Cut out the straight ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 10 Pod Seam Smoothing (2013-10-16)
    Apply more medium CA down the joint with a Q-tip. Before it dries, pick up the excess with a wipe of your finger. First lightly sand over the slight lifted joint edge with 220 grit on a ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 11 Pod End Cutting (2013-10-17)
    My tube cut template was a little bit larger than the diameter of the glued halves. Tape in place and trace around the ends with a sharp pencil. Be sure to have a sharp blade to cut through ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 12 Pod Edge and Test Fit (2013-10-18)
    More CA glue was applied to the ends of the cut pods. Wrap some 220 grit around a body tube for sanding. Reapply more CA and smooth sand with 400 grit on the tube. Here's the first test fit ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 13 Fin Marking Check (2013-10-19)
    I thought I'd double check the wrap around marking guide against the full size drawing of the fins on the instruction sheet. Semroc kits have you mark the body tubes by setting it over a marked ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 14 Fin Gluing (2013-10-20)
    Look at the bottom of the wing root edge. Some of the primer was taken down with 220 grit on a block for better glue adhesion. Take off about the with of the fillets to follow. Use the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 15, Fin Detail Gluing (2013-10-21)
    The rudder tip pieces were glued together. The ends match the curvature of the lower, larger piece. CWF filler was applied to the matching joint edges. After drying, the two ends were sanded ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 16, Launch Lug Gluing (2013-10-22)
    The instructions are vague about the launch lug position. The nose cone flares out slightly so the lug needs to be a little away from the body for the launch rod to clear it. The inset picture ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 17, Intake Tube Prep an Glue (2013-10-25)
    Sorry about the lack of blog posts over the past few days. I'm at the mercy of the ship's internet which is the worst it's ever been. Were just pulling into Vietnam and the signal is strong - for ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 18, Detail Assembly Filling (2013-10-26)
    The dowel end seams were filled with CWF and sanded. It's easier to do any fine filling off the model. The CWF joints were probably rough after sanding. I've taped the end pieces to a dowel ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 19, New 24mm Engine Mount (2013-10-27)
    The model already feels heavy without paint! The only recommended engine is a C6-3. That doesn't make for much variety, or respectable altitudes. From the Estes website: "The Estes C6-3 engine is a ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 20, White Undercoat and Wet Sand (2013-10-28)
    Right now I'm in Singapore. I've used up all the build drafts on the Xarconian Cruise and will finish up the paint and decals when I get back home around November 4. Until then, I've got some ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 21, Decal Fix? (2013-11-12)
    Okay, I'm back working on the Xarconian Cruiser again. Let's finish this one up! There are a LOT of decals on this one. In my opinion, some decals are too large. On the top of the main wing ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 22, The Mask! (2013-11-14)
    This was a tough mask, I put if off for a while trying to figure out how to do it. Enlarge the picture at the right to see the instruction paint picture. The bottom of the wing is white with a ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 23, The Mask! (2013-11-15)
    Here's the front end circle mask in place. On the sides is more tape strips joining the circle to the fin strake. This had to be the clumsiest looking mask I've ever done! Copy paper and ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 24, Mask Reveal and Ceanup (2013-11-16)
    The mask turned out better than I thought it would. Along the front edge a knife was scraped down the tan paint to sharpen up the edge. This was just some light scraping to straighten out the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 25, Decals (2013-11-17)
    These kit decals took one full minute of soaking before they started to release from the backing paper. I let them sit for another minute on a paper towel before they slid easily enough from the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 26A, Decal Fix (2013-11-18)
    On the left is the first try at the X. Cruiser decals. I'd already used the smaller logo spots on the top off the wing. I pieced together parts of the larger decals and made the Xarconian EE ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 26B, Decals (2013-11-19)
    Look at the instruction sheet below the model in the picture. I couldn't figure out why the instructions had you set the black intake decal so far forward. At the instruction position you could ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 27, Masking the Canopy (2013-11-21)
    The nose cone canopy is painted blue. Blue is a good choice, the model needed a third small accent color. The "canopy" is recessed which will help in cutting the mask. Two pieces of Scotch ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 28, Masking the Canopy (2013-11-21)
    The rest of the nose cone was masked off using small pieces of brown masking tape. The inset pic shows the paint results after first pulling up the tape. It's okay, but the edges are a little ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 29, Added Detail (2013-11-22)
    Those little nubs on the nose cone side need some detail. No decals are included for this. They should have a gun detail or suggested nozzle decal. I'll use black electrical tape to make small ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 30, Nose Cone Decal (2013-11-23)
    The instructions don't give any directions on how to set the nose cone decal. It overlaps the joint of the body tube and nose cone. Tape the shoulder of the nose cone for a tight fit. You don't ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 31, Intake Detail (2013-11-24)
    I wanted to darken the inside of the rear intakes. It'd be too hard to paint them now so I'll use some electrical tape. The electrical tape will stay in place and is a matte finish. While the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Build Part 32, Engine Hook Relief Notch (2013-11-25)
    I installed a 24mm engine mount in place of the standard 18mm mount. This put the engine hook too close to the edge of the plastic tail cone. It would be hard to slide an engine in without the ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes Xarconian Cruiser Finished (2013-11-26)
      This was rated a Skill Level 5 build probably because of the tube cutting.. It wasn't that hard to put together, the wing pods and masking were the most difficult. The build was time ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (Part 1) (2014-11-23)
    An auspicious occasion, ladies and gentlemen. I have this evening opened up the last of the kits from 2013 still in the build pile: The Estes Xarconian Cruiser #3223. (And if you want one ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 2) (2014-11-28)
    I’ve never been particularly careful about paying attention to weight during a build (mine or the kit’s); this time I think I’ll try going to the other extreme. I weighed all the ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 3) (2014-12-07)
    Back to the bench again. In the past I’ve once or twice used wood filler on uncut balsa sheets, then sanded, and then cut out fins, and it’s worked out pretty well. Of course the edges ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 4) (2014-12-29)
    No, I haven’t forgotten I’m building this. Christmas is past and I have this week off, so I’m getting back to it, though. Not much to say about it. Before this week I’d gone ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 5) (2015-01-01)
    As with the Photon Disruptor, the XC instructions have you build the motor mount early on but not install it until late. I’m not sure why. I can think of a couple of advantages but not ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 6) (2015-01-02)
    I cut the second intake tube. First time wasn’t a fluke. Go me. Then I applied thin CA — not as thin as it used to be, unfortunately — to the front and rear edges. These things ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 7) (2015-01-03)
    I love the smell of expiring furnace blower motor in the morning. When it’s 19°F. Oh wait. No, I don’t. For a glorious short time the furnace guy thought it was just a bad capacitor, ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 8) (2015-01-11)
    I didn’t intend to take this long a break from building. Maybe I’m subliminally slightly intimidated by this kit. Or maybe it’s just too cold to spend time in the basement. Anyway, ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 9) (2015-01-19)
    Cold week, cold basement. Busy with other things. Excuses excuses. I cleaned up the pod ends with sandpaper. They were kind of gloppy. I should’ve waited until I got new thin CA instead of ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 10) (2015-01-22)
    If you’ve been reading these posts with bated breath, waiting in dreadful anticipation of the moment when I screw up royally, you can relax now. I applied fillets where I didn’t earlier: ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 11) (2015-01-24)
    After experimenting on an uncommitted motor hook, I decided to proceed with Operation Hookbender. I used two long nose pliers to more or less straighten out the motor hook, then bend the tip over. ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 12) (2015-01-31)
    Chris Michielssen says the CG of the Xarconian Cruiser, with a C6 motor installed in the stock 18 mm mount, is about 7½” from the rear edge of the tail cone. I put a D12 in my 24 mm ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 13) (2015-10-11)
    Finally today, I put the second color on the Xarconian Cruiser. Again without telling you about it, I’d put the first color on… which should have been white, and the second color tan, but ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 14) (2015-11-03)
    It got up to 69°F today. Not a record for the date (that’d be 76°F; we might break the record tomorrow though) but a good deal nicer than usual for this time of year. Windy until mid ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 15) (2015-11-14)
    A really quick, photo-less post to let you know neither I nor the XC is dead. I’ve been occupied with other things, but I did a little work on it today. The khaki paint came out considerably ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 16) (2015-11-17)
    I did a little paint touch up; I also painted black the front surfaces of the little bumps on the nose cone. Then decals. There’s a ton of them, and there’s a school of thought that ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Building the Estes Xarconian Cruiser (part 17) (2015-11-17)
    Clear coat, shock cord, done! Final weight without chute, wadding, or motor: 5.3 oz. Just a little less than two years after I bought the kit and slightly under one year since I started building it. ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: EBAY Scores! (2013-09-21)
      While stuck in Mexico I've kept my eye on EBAY. I make an occasional bid, but unless it's a great buy I won't increase bidding above 50% of the retail price. I've wanted to build ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: FlisKits Tartar Build Part 1 Parts (2013-11-01)
    I’ll be in transit from Manila, Philippines to Orlando over the next day or so there may not be any blog posts. Thanks for your patience. While on the cruise I wrote an article for possible ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Repair time (2014-11-27)
    Before proceeding with the Xarconian Cruiser I decided to take care of some repairs. The Retro Rebel is retired, but has a future as a display model. It draws attention. Needed the broken fin ... [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: Cheaprocs (2014-12-12)
    Estes has some rocket bundles on sale — drawn from the same set of kits they put on sale every holiday weekend; no, you’re still not getting a deal on the Mega Der Red Max, but: 1335 ... [Read More]

    Thrifty Rocketeer: Rushin' It (2023-04-04)
    The Thrifty Rocketeer Blog continues.... I admit it. I was bored, so I started flipping about, looking for something interesting to read on the internet.  And I came across an entry or link to ... [Read More]