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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Kits / Dynasoar Rocketry / X-15
Al Clark's Rocket Boost Gliders, 2018.07.29 (2018-07-30)
Here's a composite of Al's RBG flights today. Two were Dynasoar kits, The X-15 and the Jayhawk. I don't remember the name of the name of the other one. [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry X-15 R/C rocket glider flying on E-20 and F-24 motors (2020-02-26)
Dynasoar Rocketry X-15 R/C rocket glider flying on E-20 and F-24 motors [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry X-15 RC Rocket glider kit (2018-12-23)
Dynasoar Rocketry X-15 RC Rocket glider kit, available from dynasoar rocketry, 41" long, 20" wingspan, 12.5 oz rtf using 24mm E-6 RC aerotech motors. [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry X-15-3 Delta RC rocket glider flight (2019-10-14)
Dynasoar Rocketry X-15-3 Delta RC rocket glider flight, details at dynasoarrocketry.com [View]
RC X-15 Rocketplane Flights (2019-12-15)
RC X-15 Rocketplane Flights, 41" long, 20" wingspan, 12.5 oz rtf using 24mm E-6 RC Aerotech longburn rocket motor.  [View]