Decals: | Waterslide |
Diameter: | 1.64 inches |
Fin Material: | Balsa |
Length: | 23.13 inches |
Manufacturer: | Estes |
Model: | 2022 |
Motor Size: | 18 millimeters |
Nose Cone Material: | Plastic |
Plan (JimZ): | |
Power: | Low-Power |
Product Type: | Kit |
Production Years: | 1990-1993 |
Recovery: | Featherweight/Tumble, Parachute |
Skill Level: | 2 |
Status: | Out-Of-Production |
Style: | Multi-Stage, Payload |
Weight: | 2.83 ounces |
Brief: Estes Warp II, is a two-staged payloader that is fun and easy to build. Construction: Quality: It came in the standard plastic bag with the display card. All the parts were there and in good condition. The fins were balsa wood and the body and booster were standard paper tubes. Instructions: They were easy to follow, and in a logical order. One thing Estes does do well is ...