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AKS Rockets Blog

AKS Rockets Posts

Sport Rocketry / Motors and Igniters / Motors / Videos

    New Youtube Channel!!! (2011-06-14)
    So i was tires of mashing both our "movies" and our rocket videos on just one channel so I just made my AKS rocket's official Youtube channel. Check it out HERE . We plan to put up more videos, more ... [Read More]

    Useful websites (2012-01-06)
    A lot of learning goes on online in rocketry, whether you're just starting building rockets or if you have been in the hobby for a while. Here are my personal favorite rocketry websites. If you just ... [Read More]

    Rocket site of the week! "Greg Smith's quest to spend even more money on rocket science..." (2012-09-05)
    One of the most interesting rocketry blogs out there is "Greg Smith's quest to spend even more money on rocket science". http://hawtakshun.blogspot.com/ I find this to be one of my most visited ... [Read More]