High Power Rocketry Posts
Dryden Video Collection (2006-04-13)
The Dryden Flight Research Center has some great videos of aircraft testing. The best is the impact test shown above. Impact Dryden Videos [Read More]
First Launch in several years. (2008-05-08)
I will be attending a launch this weekend, for the first time since NYpower 2004. This is going to be a low power, notification launch. That means there are some limitations - the rocket has to be ... [Read More]
Aerospace video collection (2008-09-20)
These are all videos about aerospace related subjects. I would say that these are among the best videos out there right now. Project farside is a great example of the kind of rocket amateurs could ... [Read More]
Launch Report: 10-04 (2008-10-05)
Again I apologize for the lack of images, I generally do not have the time or desire to take pictures during a launch because I am busy flying and enjoying flights! But rest assured, as soon as ... [Read More]
Orion (Ares) LES rocket test (2008-11-23)
These are some recently uploaded videos of the LES (emergency escape rocket) designed to pull the manned Orion capsule (with 4 men) off of the Areas I rocket in the event of an abort. I think ... [Read More]
2009: The year of the motor! (2009-05-29)
A huge set of new motors is on the way down the pipeline at the very moment. Most of them come from Cesaroni , but Aerotech also just announced three end burner motors (one with an extra grain of ... [Read More]
Project Orion (2009-06-10)
Below is a youtube video series on Project Orion. I have yet to watch all of the videos. The best part of Project Orion is the fact that it could, with proven technology and reasonably small costs, ... [Read More]
Adrian Carbine three stage project (2009-10-12)
How cool is this project?! The info and some of the pictures below are from early attempts, such as in a 2006 article from Rocketry Planet. However, it appears that a flight took place at the most ... [Read More]
Bomarc videos (2009-10-31)
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Great video from Greg Smith (2009-12-07)
"Finally I quickly prepped my horribly battered and thrice repaired LOC Bullet with a CTI 660J381 Skidmark. I really can't get enough of these loud and impressive motors. The flight was cool and ... [Read More]
"Chinese rocket from the air" (2009-12-08)
Chinese Rocket Fly-by - Watch more Funny Videos Rocket from Jet Does anyone know what this is? Is it even Chinese? [Read More]
Rockets are cool, even when they fail... Crazy spiral contrails in the night sky over Norway (2009-12-09)
Update: The Russians have now taken credit for this rocket. Confirmed Bulava. "A mysterious light display appearing over Norway last night has left thousands of residents in the north of the country ... [Read More]
#2 Google hit for this search: (2010-02-01)
"videos of rockets that go high 100000 feet" [Read More]
Sounding Rocket Videos (2010-02-10)
That post last night made me search out some other sounding rocket videos. "NASA NSROC sounding rocket compilation to Audioslave." "This video is of a Hickman payload launched out of Wallops Island ... [Read More]
RRS Boosted Dart Article Online (2010-04-15)
Loyal readers may remember a post from exactly 1 year ago today, all about the RRS Boosted Dart. This dart, boosted with an R motor, flew to about 50 miles, nearly hitting space (and it would have ... [Read More]
Planetary Entry Parachute Program (PEPP) Aeroshell (2010-04-17)
"NASA's Planetary Entry Parachute Program (PEPP) aeroshell, tested in 1966, was created to test parachutes for the Voyager Mars landing program [later changed to Viking]. To simulate the thin ... [Read More]
Incredible Solar Dynamics Observatory videos (2010-04-22)
Nasa Science News Page Wiki entry on the SDO [Read More]
N 10,000 Drag race (2010-04-25)
After posting about this new, ultra hot CTI motor , I have been searching for videos of it put into a rocket. Lots of wind and talking in these videos, but boy that motor is everything I expected! ... [Read More]
Two more vintage videos (2010-05-11)
I particularly like this video above because of the on-board footage showing what appears to be some intense paint ablation (from :10 to :13.) Does anyone know a source for more footage like this? ... [Read More]
The Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex - SRMSC (2010-05-13)
(Click to enlarge, well worth the dl.) A loyal (or first time, or sporadic) reader recently sent a link for lots of videos of Sprint, Spartan, and some crazy PAR technology at the web site dedicated ... [Read More]
Operation Sailor Hat (2010-06-27)
"Operation Sailor Hat was an explosives effects test conducted by the US Navy at Kaho'olawe Island, Hawaii in 1965[1]. They were not nuclear tests, instead employing conventional explosives (i.e. ... [Read More]
Sony rocket project update (2010-09-01)
These are two nice videos that (probably) show the rocket mavericks launches that may or may not have been the same flights for the Sony Rocket Project. Am I the only one who is still confused about ... [Read More]
Some early footage from Balls 19 (2010-09-30)
Including that P to P flight from the ground this time, but more importantly what seems like a large hybrid from Jeff Jacob which may be an R motor? If so, a successful R hybrid launch is very ... [Read More]
More updates from Balls 19 (2010-10-01)
Because I cannot be there in person, and would not have anything big enough to fly anyway, I have to live through youtube videos, and frequently rejected email requests for more information. Sigh. A ... [Read More]
N 10,000 videos (2010-11-11)
"Greg launches 4 inch dia. carbon fiber rocket using Cesaroni N10000 V-Max 98mm motor. (Mach 1 at 700 feet and Mach 2 around 1100 AGL)" "Jack Garibaldi and James Dougherty duke it out at ... [Read More]
CTI Pro X F240 (24mm) (2010-11-28)
I just placed an order for a complete 24mm pro x case set, and three of these F240 motors. Boy it was not cheap... but it should be great next year to fly them. For the record, please do not end ... [Read More]
Videos by 40390576 (2010-12-11)
Some of the best rocketry and space videos on Youtube must be those hosted by 40390576. Sadly this youtuber does not allow embedding of videos, so here are some of my favorites in link form: Saturn ... [Read More]
Recent searches to HPR (2011-01-04)
I am happy to report that hits to this web page have increased quite a bit in the past few months. Still painfully slow, but now getting close to 250 hits per day. That is some kind of progress ... [Read More]
Launching a rocket off a ramp (2011-02-15)
Probably not... but maybe? I came across this fun clip while looking for X-20 DynaSaur videos: [Read More]
4 Alcohol - LOX engines tested on one stand! (2011-04-08)
"Michael, our biz VP, said at ISDC that we show the good and the bad. Which reminded me that I was planning to share this video when we flew, and we've flown. This is a test on March 30th 2009, the ... [Read More]
My first rocketry video - frame by frame analysis (2011-04-21)
No not the whole thing, which is mostly 5 minutes of a rocket sitting on the ground as I scramble to recover it... but here are a select few frames from my first attempt at onboard rocketry footage. ... [Read More]
Milky way time lapse videos (2011-04-24)
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The Hurt Locker (2011-04-30)
There are lots of bad war films, a bunch of so-so films, and a few good war films. This one was supposed be good, but having just watched it today, I can honestly report that if I saw it in the ... [Read More]
Two nice onboard videos (2011-05-19)
RAC3 BRUJA 2 Onboard Video 13,000 feet RAC4 BRUJA 2 Onboard Video 18,000 feet Not much info on these rockets, and what is out there is in Spanish. AND they wont allow a blogger to embed the videos. ... [Read More]
Solar Dynamics Observatory footage of huge solar flare (2011-06-07)
"I woke up to this event, aptly described in an email from a colleague - "Never seen anything like this before - spectacular". It really is just amazing! Here are videos of a prominence eruption ... [Read More]
Schwerer Gustav and Dora - Railway siege guns - Videos (2011-06-20)
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More videos from the Balls 20 rocket launch (2011-10-05)
"Boosted Dart Project at BALLS 2011 Rocket Launch. Motor casing burn through, dart airframe seperates from tail cone, Recovery harness seperates, Booster comes in ballistic, Interstage lands under ... [Read More]
Launch report pt. 1 (2011-11-06)
The launch today was good, with very clear conditions and moderate to low winds. I was able to fly the Wildman Drago on an F240 and then on a G125. These two first flights each included a digital ... [Read More]
Launch report pt. 2 (2011-11-07)
Skip to :30 for the action (I am too lazy to edit the video right now.) My half-finished Wildman Drago flew on a G125 red CTI motor carrying a small digital camera, a $12 unit found all over Ebay as ... [Read More]
USB pen camera (2012-01-10)
This camera was $16 shipped from Ebay. It comes with an 8 gig internal card, and actually works as a pen if you would want to be a spy. The size of the thing, and the fact that it has a bunch of ... [Read More]
Sounding Rocket Onboard Footage (2012-02-01)
"On March 23, 2011, two on-board cameras followed a sounding rocket on its journey from Earth to space and back again. The rocket was launched to measure solar energy output and calibrate the EVE ... [Read More]
Armadillo launches the STIG-A rocket to 50 miles (2012-02-02)
Parabolic Arc No videos yet, but I will post them as soon as they come up. For now, check out these two videos of the previous flight. Warning, the volume is loud in both. (Because they both have ... [Read More]
Building, flying, and attempting to recover a 98mm min. dia. rocket (2012-02-06)
"98mm hand layed fiberglass rocket flying on a N1397 motor" "Tuff Enough..98mm min dia hand layed fiberglass rocket flying on a N1700 Swamp Gas. Flew to 37K 2.2 mach" Recovery of hpr rockets is ... [Read More]
Drops of water orbit a knitting needle in space (2012-02-08)
"Expedition 30 astronaut Don Pettit uses knitting needles and water droplets to demonstrate physics in space through 'Science off the Sphere.' This is part of the first video in a series for a ... [Read More]
Welcome to the B reactor video series (2012-03-07)
Atomic Heritage has a whole bunch of videos talking about the reactor used during the Manhattan project to create plutonium from uranium. This was one of the first reactors ever built, and as such ... [Read More]
Proving the Principle - A History of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (2012-03-08)
inl.gov Q: Hey what is the deal with all the nuclear stuff all the time? Isn't this a rocketry blog? A: Before rocketry and after kayaking, nuclear power (including weapons) was a major hobby for ... [Read More]
The remarkable 848 videos of Youtube's webdev17 (2012-03-12)
There are so many millitary, aerospace, and other vintage videos that I can't possibly post them all. Can't even find and post the best yet, because I am not done looking around. Here are few good ... [Read More]
Underwater Atomic Test, Mark 90 Betty A-Bomb: "Operation Wigwam" (2012-04-11)
"Operation Wigwam involved a single test of the Mark 90 Betty nuclear bomb. It was conducted between Operation Teapot and Operation Redwing on May 14, 1955, about 500 miles southwest of San Diego, ... [Read More]
A time-lapse of Planet Earth (2012-04-22)
"A time-lapse of Planet Earth, created from images produced by the geostationary Electro-L Weather Satellite. The images were obtained beginning on May 14th, and end on May 20th. The images are the ... [Read More]
Jet crash test footage (2012-06-10)
"In 1984, NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center and the Federal Aviation Administration teamed up in a unique flight experiment called the Controlled Impact Demonstration to test a promising fuel ... [Read More]
Colorado > than NY? (2012-08-02)
Up-Ship.com recently suggested as much. Right after the latest of several mass shootings in CO. Why does he say so? Well because people in Colorado went out after ... [Read More]
Latest uploads on Youtube Channel (2012-08-16)
I have been trying to get more serious about maintaining the youtube channel these days. The videos now have well over 1,000,000 hits, and I will be uploading lots of government archive videos. Some ... [Read More]
Hemorrhagic fever - Extremely graphic footage (2012-08-30)
This video has nothing to do with rocketry, but I am desperately trying to get my youtube channel up to snuff. That means uploading more videos from my archive, and hopefully reaching out to new ... [Read More]
Asbestos and hyperbaric chambers (2012-09-02)
"Join the navy, where you can take on heroic exposure to asbestos and then do some chamber dives to help fix your lungs!" Speaking seriously, these two videos are simple and quiet, fun to watch on a ... [Read More]
Detailed report on Carmack prize winning flight (2012-11-02)
Needless to say, I was not bored for a moment while reading through these 100 pages of documentation. This is exactly what one would hope to have for every significant high ... [Read More]
Ground penetrating warhead (2013-01-06)
So as you can perhaps tell, this webpage just got wider by 110 pixels. Does this cause any problems? Videos and images can now be significantly larger, the last 20 or so posts will be ... [Read More]
Tangentially related video dump (2013-01-09)
These videos are about guns, electronics, and metallurgy. One could make the argument that these things are almost aerospace or rocketry related. Or, one could just watch the videos and enjoy. [Read More]
Qaher F313 - Supposed Iranian stealth fighter (2013-02-08)
The Qaher F313 certainly looks as if it is either a fake aircraft, perhaps simply a plastic and fiberglass model, or at best, a poorly performing subsonic jet ... [Read More]
High-speed tests demonstrate space penetrator concept (2013-08-21)
These videos show payloads launched to nearly the speed of sound and then collided with sand or ice, to test an impact method on planets and moons. There is no way to survive a direct impact at ... [Read More]
First four attempts at rocketry videos (2014-08-26)
Clearly the Draco is perfect for this purpose and the 38mm Thunderbolt is not! Acme fin cans are fun because they often introduce a bit of spin, and there is nothing wrong with that in a non-video ... [Read More]
Modeling airflow over landing gear (2017-11-17)
https://www.facebook.com/nasaames/videos/10154761992756394/ [Read More]
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