Rocket Dungeon Posts
Rocketry Product: Semroc - V-2 {Kit} (XES-K22) [2008-2013]
Hermes A-1 build plans (2010-08-30)I think I'm going to turn the Semroc V-2 that I bought as part of my 'showing my support' purchase into one of these. At least I'll try. This willl require some serious nose weight. Chances are high ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2009-1 (2009-03-21)Location: Old National Pike Park, Mt. Airy, MD ( NARHAMS ) Weather: up to 48 degs, wind calm to mild, sunny to overcast Total flights: Today - 10; YTD - 10 Total motors: Today - 10; YTD - 10 The ... [Read More]
Monday stuff (2009-11-16)1. Watched Atlantis STS-129 launch on NASA TV. 2. As best I could, I recreated the MLAS nose weight that I used on-site and weighed it. It came up to 0.3 oz.. I found ... [Read More]
EMRR update with my reviews and a new contest! (2010-06-03)Today's EMRR Update includes reviews of my Odd' Rockets Birdie and Wedgie . One has a goofy formatting error but the gist should be clear - these are cool kits. And you can always look at ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2010-10 (2010-08-21)Location: Old National Pike Park, Mt. Airy, MD ( NARHAMS ) Weather: overcast, mid 80's, humid, wind 5mph Total flights: Today - 12; YTD - 90 Total motors: Today - 14; YTD - 118 This was a great day ... [Read More]
Hermes A-1 - first iteration (2010-08-31)Photo - check. Ruler - check. As-built Semroc V-2 - check. Mash this stuff up and shove it into RockSim. And this is what you get. Since the Hermes A-1 is not based on ... [Read More]
Already antsy to launch, building is in the doldrums (2010-09-25)A mere week after ESL-148, I'm already itching to launch. My October launches are still up in the air and the prospects of missing them is fueling the itch. I have NARHAMS and then Red ... [Read More]
Rocket launch probabilities (2010-10-15)I was looking forward to this weekend's NARAMS launch but it looks like life has gotten in the way. P L =0. I also feel bad for the rest of the club because the weather report is saying the ... [Read More]
Countin' my chickens before they hatch FLY (2011-03-18)The literal count is one, one Ballistic Chicken. But what I was getting at in the title is that I have laid out and prepped my rockets for tomorrow; and I even built a couple of reloads. Last ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2011-01 (2011-03-20)Location: Price, MD ( MDRA ESL-154) Weather: partly cloudy, low 50's, wind 0 - 5 MPH Total flights: Today - 11; YTD - 11 Total motors: Today - 21; YTD - 21 I left very early under the light of the ... [Read More]
Review: Hermes A-1 (2011-03-22)This review explains how I converted a sport scale Semroc V-2 xKit to a Hermes A-1. Construction The following parts are required: One Semroc V-2 xKit, using the scale fin option 3/32” balsa stock ... [Read More]
Launch Report 2012-4 "Lucky 13" (2012-05-26)Location: Old National Pike Park, Mt. Airy, MD ( NARHAMS ) Weather: mostly sunny, hot (96 on the field!), wind 0-5 mph Total flights: Today - 13; YTD - 30 Total motors: Today - 13; YTD - 36 Motors ... [Read More]
V-104, a bit late for April Fools Day (2014-04-03)A V-104 is what you get when you mix a V-2 with an F-104 Starfighter. (Refer to the attached photo) On top is one of the pods from my rekitted F-104 Starfighter. On the bottom is the rocket being ... [Read More]
V-104: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (2014-04-06)Well, I finished painting the fins and attached them melt glue. I had a hard time bonding to this plastic when the F-104 was an F-104 so I thought I'd try something new. I figure the ... [Read More]