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Accessories / Other / Aerotech / Universal Delay Drilling Tool
Using the Aerotech Universal Delay Drilling Tool

So I noticed a problem this past weekend with the Aerotech Universal Delay Drilling Tool that a customer showed to me at a rocket launch. The one he had wasn't cutting into the delay grain of his rocket motor. What happened was that the drill was set at the wrong depth. Fortunately, this is a very easy fix, and it doesn't require returning the item back to the manufacturer. There is just one little screw holding it in, and in just a few seconds, it will be adjusted and cutting the delay times you need for your flight. And after you make the adjustment, it will be much more accurate in setting the delay time of the motor. You'll also see how it works too, just in case you've never used a delay cutting too before.

Author Apogee Components
Duration 05:19

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