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The Thrifty Rocketeer

Thrifty Rocketeer Posts

Sport Rocketry / Launches / Launch Photos, Videos, and Reports / Club and Group Launches / TTRA (Plant City, FL)

     Rocketry Club: Tripoli Tampa Rocketry Association

    PONG alert! (2020-05-13)
    The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... Never let it be said that the ol' Thrifty Rocketeer doesn't enjoy a bargain. While I'm not in the habit of being a shill for any particular company, I do ... [Read More]

    Edmund Aerospace Legacy (2020-10-07)
     The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... About five years or so ago, a short while after I got into this hobby, I saw a person fly a glider at a club launch, and was immediately interested to ... [Read More]

    Rocket Around the Christmas Tree (2020-12-19)
    The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... First, I do not speak for the National Association of Rocketry , nor any other major rocketry group. Second, who am I to express an opinion on this short TV ... [Read More]

    TAZZ (2022-10-04)
     The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... So it's another Wednesday night and I'm bored, so I do what I usually do when I have time on my hands and 10 days til the next club launch.... I drive ... [Read More]

    The Tin (2022-10-19)
     The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... Recently we were talking about what sort of tackle box Rocketeers chose to carry their field gear and parts in.   And that has brought up ... [Read More]

    The Dud (2022-11-26)
     The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... A couple of years ago, when our local rocket club decided to help "pay it forward" or "sow the seeds" of our hobby in the new generation, we agreed to ... [Read More]

    Glue Threads & Other Delights (2023-01-01)
     The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... Whenever I need a collective title, or maybe something a bit tongue in cheek, I fall back on the old Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Band album title, ... [Read More]