Rocketry Club: Tripoli-San Diego
Greg Smith's Blog: Our first Holtville launch... 16x slower (2014-12-07)
I'm slow. Only recently did I figure out that the GoPro Hero3+ I've had for a year features a 240 fps mode. If I slow that down another 50% during editing I'm now showing hawt akshun at ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Happy 2015, Holtville!! (2015-01-07)
Hi, all, and happy 2015 to you as well. Last Saturday was a stunningly perfect day for flying with 0-3MPH winds all day and all the way to the top. Here's the second installment of my ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville February 2015 launch report (2015-02-11)
Well, for now, it's just this month's slow-mo vid but I'll augment this entry soon: [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville March 2015 launch report (2015-03-14)
It was another beautiful day in the desert although a tad windier than we're used to. I've been wanting to get my drone in the sky to shoot some liftoffs and that worked our rather dandily: For some ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville Launch - April 2015 (2015-04-05)
I'll augment this entry with details soon but I wanted to get this fun vid up ASAP: [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville Launch / October / 2015 (2015-10-06)
You'll find this launch was slash-a-rific: Details to follow. [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville Launch, December 2015 (2015-12-06)
Here's the video: Pix and some details soon. [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville - April 2016 launch report (2016-05-06)
In looking at my todo list in the entry below I must admit I recall little from the February launch but I remember much about last month's launch. Here are a few photos of Ron Rickwald's M ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville launch report for 5/7/16 (2016-06-04)
Brevity remains inevitable here as I had only one flight but here are the photos captured by Mark Treseder and myself. Here's the one GoPro vid I captured of Mark Treseder's Little John ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville: October 11, 2016 launch report (2016-11-25)
I didn't feel like packing that morning but, rather than shirking all responsibility, I elected to throw the trusty 2.6" Madcow Nike Smoke and minimally supportive gear in the car. I also ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville, Jan. 7, 2017 - TWO successful L3s! In 4K! (2017-01-08)
Frank Hermes AND River made it out to Holtville yesterday so those were already wins right there. Congratulations to Mark Treseder and Dave Nord who successfully earned their L3 yesterday for NAR and ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville, 2/2018 launch (2018-03-04)
Howdy, ya'll. I've been absent from this blog for awhile. This was not my intent and I hope I'm back for some time to come. I attended the February launch at Holtville and here are my ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville Havoc II - March 3-5, 2018 (2018-03-17)
Holtville Havoc II was supposed to see reasonable conditions on Friday, terrible conditions on Saturday, and brilliant conditions on Sunday. I can attest that Friday amazed, Saturday was ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville 4-8-2018 (2018-04-14)
I drove out to Sunday of April's launch to witness Cris Erving's L3 attempt. Saturday was supposed to be horrible so I didn't bother. Cris certified without a hitch: [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville, October 6th, Launch Report (2018-10-14)
Last weekend's launch was the club's first since it's cooled a bit. I had planned to attend this weekend's Lucerne launch, Octoberfest, but received notice it had been cancelled due to previous ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Rain... and rain again? [...and again] (2019-01-30)
I attended the January launch at Holtville... but was rained out! It rained quite persistently and for a substantial duration. As such I didn't fly anything. It seems that rain might be ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville Havoc 3 (2019-03-09)
I'll write this up soon but thanks to Mark Treseder for this excellent shot: [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville launch, April 6, 2019 (2019-04-08)
Once again I'll write more later but yesterday's launch was a good time: [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville, 1/4/2020 (2020-02-09)
It's been awhile since I've updated my blog. I'm now trying to catch up so here are three flights at Holtville on January 4th: I'm quite certain that the first was Val Derkatch's, the second ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Holtville 2/1/2020 (2020-02-09)
Once again I've been too busy at work to pack/prep for this month's launch at Holtville. I shot even more vid than usual, however: I've made two intriguing discoveries with my GoPro Hero 5 ... [Read More]
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