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Flight Log - 2015-05-25 - Richard Holmes's Test to Destruction

3 split fins and a nose cone.

Flight Date: 2015-05-25
Rocket Name: Test to Destruction
Flyer's Name: Richard Holmes
Motors: C6-5
Launch Site: Geneseo Airport (MARS site)

I was seeing way too many rockets come down in the wheat field, so I decided to wait and see if the wind would shift. I waited a lot. Finally just before noon with the flag flapping a little further toward the northeast, sometimes, I decided to prep the Test to Destruction with a C6-5. I figured I could stand it if it disappeared, and it’d save me the trouble of repainting the fin I replaced last fall.

The flight was good, though I failed yet again to get a good launch picture — someday I’ll break down and get a more suitable camera, maybe — and the wind carried it, yep, right into the wheat field. Another rocketeer found it, and another rocket of someone else’s. He remarked that he’d rather find his.

1Estes C6-5


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