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Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan Call for Bold New NASA Space Program (2012-02-20)

On September 22, 2011, Apollo Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan testified to Congress on the need for a bold new NASA space program, and opposing President Obama's lack of space vision. In this video, Armstrong also describes the thoughts and what he was thinking as he landed--to a video of the lunar landing. The astronauts were joined by Dr. Maria Zuber, who helped direct many planetary probe missions including the GRAIL mission, and head of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT; and by Dr. Michael D. Griffin, former NASA Administrator in the Bush administration. Hearing info: science.house.gov Text of prepared remarks (does not include questions and answers or additional remarks): science.house.gov More information at www.SaveMannedSpace.com and http House of Representatives video posted as a public service. The Coalition to Save Manned Space Exploration is a project of The Conservative Caucus.