STS-85 Mission Highlights Resources Tape

Video 29 of 92
Published:2011-07-15 12:09:53

The flight crew of STS-85, Cmdr. Curtis L. Brown, Jr., Pilot Kent V. Rominger, Payload Cmdr. N. Jan Davis (Ph.D.), Mission Specialists Robert L. Curbeam, Jr. and Stephen K. Robinson (Ph.D.), and Payload Specialist Bjarni V. Tryggvason, present an overview of their mission. During the pre-launch activities the shuttle is shown being mated to the external tank and Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs). Also included: is the arrival of the crew at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), their suit-up, the crew being transported to the pad, being strapped in, and launch control activities. The launch includes the count down, main engine start-up, SRB start-up, the launch, the roll maneuver and SRB separation. Once the crew is in orbit, they deploy the CRISTA-SPAS payload and conduct various micro-gravity experiments. In the last part of the video the crew is seen preparing for the landing phase of the mission.

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