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Flight Log - 2011-06-04 - SteveL's Nike Apache

The Nike section has trought the wall 1/4" ply fins, sanded to the Nike diamond shape.  Scratch made balsa transition section and nose cone, both coated with 2 coats of epoxy to harden the balsa. Apache section has 1/8" ply fins with 3ozs of nose weight added.

Flight Date: 2011-06-04
Rocket Name: Nike Apache
Flyer's Name: SteveL
Motors: G64-10
Wind Speed: 8.00 mph
Launch Site: Home

Good flight, the rocket went straight up, no spinning or weather cocking.  This was a test flight before finnal paint job to check the nose wieght.  The recovery on a 30" nylon chute was good.   Delay on the motor was a little long.

1Aerotech G64-10


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