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Sport Rocketry / Projects / SteamPunk Protostar

    Blast From The Past: I Have Re-Considered (2018-05-15)
    Howdy Folks! In a previous post I stated that I am not going to do a build series on the SteamPunk Protostar, but I have since changed my mind. "Why, BlastFromThePast?", you ... [Read More]

    Blast From The Past: Now...Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program.... (2018-12-04)
    This past weekend, the BlastFromThePast shop became fully operational again. An intensive 'Shock and Awe' barrage of medications launched at that nasty cough has started showi ... [Read More]

    Blast From The Past: "Hey, BFTP, Where's That Protostar??? (2020-03-24)
    Good question. The short answer: The Steampunk Protostar had been relegated to a back burner for a short while in favor of getting a few quicker builds completed. I truly would like to have a couple ... [Read More]

    Blast From The Past: It Is.......ALIVE ! ! ! (2020-11-01)
     The Steampunk Protostar, that is. This morning, the long-suffering project has once again been extracted from it's dark, dreary vault (project cabinet) located in the furthest forlorn reaches ... [Read More]