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Tests / Static Tests
Static Test DX1-EE Solid Rocket Motor May 2019

Static test of the DX1-EE motor during the May launch day for requalification purposes. During the earlier launch day in March, an anomaly occurred in two out of three DX1-EE motors, resulting in a loss of the vehicles. Delft Aerospace Rocket Engineering is one of the largest and most advanced student rocketry teams in the world. As a Dreamteam of Delft University of Technology, we aim at providing students with a hands-on experience that is unique in this world. Next to our Stratos and Aether flagship projects, the DARE conducts fundamental research in all fields of sounding rocketry, such as propulsion, recovery, control, structural design and recovery. Stay up to date via our social media: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/daretudelft TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/daretudelft FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/daretudelft LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/delft-aerospace-rocket-engineering/ #daretudelft #rocket #rocketscience

Author Delft Aerospace Rocket Engineering
Duration 16 seconds

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