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St. Andrew's Priory rocket launch in Hawaii, March 19

Video 37 of 39
Published:2011-03-21 00:24:28

The St. Andrew's Priory School rocketry team managed five launches on March 19 at windward Community College in Honolulu in an attempt to qualify for this year's Team America Rocket Challenge. This was the last launch of the day. The Priory team came close to meeting some of the national event's standards but could not put together a launch that met all standards. This launch soared 732 feet and that was within 18 feet of the qualifying standard. But the launch was disqualified for failing in other areas. Rockets must remain aloft for 40 to 45 seconds and their egg payloads must return to the ground intact. Each rocket carries a small altimeter and a 15-inch parachute for the nose cone's descent. Jacob Huson, PhD, who advises the Priory team, said he will attempt to get the team yet another date to attempt more qualifying launches. Hudson also is coordinator for the NASA Flight Training Aerospace Exploration Lab at Windward CC. The Team America Rocket Challenge will be held May 14 in the Washington, DC area. Only 100 teams nationwide are selected to participate. The Priory team qualifed three years ago. It is the only high school rocket team in Hawaii.

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