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Flight Log - 2008-04-13 - SRP Crew's SPIKE (Chornaiya Ship)

This long tube fin was originally named "Chornaiya" meaning black in Russian. The 4 flat fins coming out of the main tube fin as triangles made it look very prickly or sharp.  Therefore we nicknamed it SPIKE too.

Flight Date: 2008-04-13
Rocket Name: SPIKE (Chornaiya Ship)
Flyer's Name: SRP Crew
Motors: 2xD12-5
Expected Altitude: 700 Feet
Launch Site: LaBarriere Park
Actual Altitude: 750 Feet

Flown during a Light Launch. The rocket went off nearing dusk. The two motors lit nicely the rocket was observed arcing right beide the full Moon. On deployment the rocket was under chute, but the discharge popped the whole engine block out the back and almost hit one of us. Truly bizarre moment there as there was a slight weathercock so it shouldn't had come right back on us, yet it did.

The big chute and assembly floated nicely to the north end of the park.  It was recovered in a bit of water yet didn't suffer and damage. Duration was 50.1 seconds according to the video. Excellent flight!

12 x Estes D12-5


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