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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Clubs / Southern Arizona Rocketry Association (SARA)

 Rocketry Club: Southern Arizona Rocketry Association

Desert Heat 2009 Semroc AeroDart (2009-05-18)
Great flight for RoboRocketry's Semroc AeroDart on an E9-6 motor! [View]
Barracuda launch #2 (2010-04-18)
Aerotech Barracuda on a G76-7G engine, launched 4/18/2010, at SARA's April launch. I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 feet. I have no idea why it spins so badly -- I think I'll put ... [View]
Scratch Build Launch (2009-06-07)
some of the rockets launched at SARA's second official launch day. [View]
I reached into the film archives to make up for the camera problems the other rocket video had. This is the Beast, a 3 inch diameter, 4 foot long rocket made almost entirely out of cardboard from 30 ... [View]
1080p Mini Fleet Rocket (2019-05-02)
Great chance to try out these new 1080p Mini Fleet Rockets from my 'Rocketry Update' video. You may want to watch that one as well if you missed it. I covered 3D printing topics, estimating ... [View]
Clustered Rocket Motors (2012-08-28)
Cluster Rocket Motors LAUNCHES 25 Aug 2012 Southern Arizona Rocketry Assoc (SARA) [View]
Estes Partizon Rocket on a High Power Motor to 2300 feet (2019-12-17)
Estes Partizon Rocket on a High Power Motor to 2300 feet. It's the last official Southern Arizona Rocketry Association launch of the year. I have only one mission: Fly the Estes Partizon with two ... [View]
Flight of the Estes Leviathan with the 4K Sports Camera (2019-03-24)
4K sports camera in a 3D printed spacecraft. This is an Estes Leviathan on an Aerotech DMS I205, flying to approximately a half mile. (DETAILS IN THE LINKS BELOW). The delay is drilled to 10 seconds. ... [View]
Madcow Rocketry - Sport X - Aerotech H180w (2019-07-20)
Sending up the 3" Sport X on an Aerotech H-180 white lightning. Apogee right around 2,500ft. Onboard cam is a caddx turtle v2 powered by a small 2s lipo. Could have used a second or two longer on ... [View]
More of Monica's Model Rockets (2012-05-06)
At the Southern Area Rocketry club meet on April 28, 2012, I launched six rockets. One was a model of the Unha-3, a scale model of the North Korean rocket that failed. My two launches were ... [View]