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Flight Log - 2015-07-18 - Richard Holmes's Sea Sting

This was built from a kit I bought back in the brief period in 2013 when Shrox was selling kits. I put it together in fall 2014 and finally in July 2015 got it painted and decaled. I decided a flat finish would be appropriate so hit it with Dullcote; that and a removable Kevlar leader for the shock cord were the only deviations from the instructions. Maybe I should have redshifted the motor mount to 24 mm but I went with the stock 18 mm.

Flight Date: 2015-07-18
Rocket Name: Sea Sting
Flyer's Name: Richard Holmes
Motors: C6-3
Launch Site: Syracuse Rocket Club (Weigand's Field)

I decided a non glider flight was in order, so I put the Sea Sting up next. Didn’t get a good launch picture, it was out of focus. Flight was kind of funny. It spun slowly on its long axis, and it coned somewhat. But it flew and came back more or less unscathed.

1Estes C6-3


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