Demise of the Drake...
Corkscrew cato
Dual deployment Interceptor E ground test.
Estes Interceptor E modified to an interchangeable 24-29mm motor mount. Fins have been replaced with 1/8" plywood and the rocket has been modified to dual deployment with a GPS tracker in nose cone.
Scratch built Thor on a CTI J330 at Nebraska Heat. This was my attempt at level 2, which I did achieve later that day with another one of my rockets.
Two stage rocket
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Semroc Rocket Stand ... (Amazon)
Semroc Rocket Stand ... (eBay)
lakebyin Rocket Launcher ... (Amazon)
Semroc Flying Model ... (Amazon)
Rocket Launcher Toy ... (Amazon)
Semroc KV-15 Arcon Hi ... (Amazon)
Semroc Orbital Transport ... (eBay)
Semroc Pro Cherokee ... (eBay)