Built using only pieces from my spare parts box, a cheap build.
Centering rings hand cut from frame mat board.
Nose cone was a champagne glass from the Dollar Tree store, two for $1.00
Thru the wall basswood fins. Nomex parachute protector.
Flight Date: | 2013-10-12 |
Rocket Name: | Scavenger (Scratch Design) |
Flyer's Name: | Hans "Chris" Michielssen |
Motors: | Estes E9-4 |
Launch Site: | N.E.F.A.R. |
Actual Altitude: | 850 Feet |
Even with a soft landing, one fin root edge broke loose and will be glued back. An E9-5 would be the perfect delay.
Stage | Motor(s) |
1 | Estes E9-4 |