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Sport Rocketry / Editorials / Safety

    Model Rocket Building: Catching Rockets? (2019-07-31)
    There was a spirited debate on TRF about catching model rockets - Boy, I'll probably catch heck for this one -  If a rocket is coming down slowly under parachute, and are within arms ... [Read More]

    GRC Blog: Common Causes for a Rocket to Fail (2020-02-12)
    This table contains information about the most common causes for a rocket to fail. The intent is that, with proper care and prevention, these failure modes may be avoided.  (Source From NASA ... [Read More]

    Thrifty Rocketeer: The Fire Brigade (2020-08-06)
    The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...   It's not unusual to hear the call "All eyes on the pad" at a club rocket launch, either when a new rocket is being launched for the first time, ... [Read More]