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Flight Log - 2011-11-13 - Roger Smith's YouBee

The YouBee is an (approximately 6:1) upscale of the Odd'l Rockets Break Away model rocket. At apogee, the YouBee "breaks" into several sections connected by a long shock cord - like the model rocket does.  But, because of its size and weight, the YouBee also has a parachute which is deployed by an altimeter when the rocket falls to about 900' in altitude.

Flight Date: 2011-11-13
Rocket Name: YouBee
Kit Name: Scratch - YouBee {Scratch}
Flyer's Name: Roger Smith
Motors: K550-14
Expected Altitude: 2,500 Feet
Launch Site: NEFAR - Clegg Sod Farm
Actual Altitude: 1,852 Feet

The up part was really nice.  At apogee the rocket split into all of its sections, but the front have and back half weren't connected.  Both halves, though, fell horizontally.  The main 'chute deployed from the top section right at 700' while the bottom section continued to fall without a parachute. The top section drifted across the road into the far cow pasture.  The bottom section fell into the field in front of the spectators.  The fins section was spinning as the bottom hit the ground.

Two of the fins came loose at the root. They will be easy to fix. The reason for the separation isn't obvious.  After all, there is no possible way that I could have made the mistake of not connecting one end of one of the shock cords.  So, we may never know what caused the failure.

1Aerotech K550W


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