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Greg Smith's quest to spend even more money on rocket science Blog

Greg Smith's Blog Posts

Sport Rocketry / Software / Modeling and Simulation / Rocksim

    Design, buy parts, and build or buy a kit and build? (2008-04-08)
    In 2002 I began considering designs for a level 3 attempt.  Then I bought RockSim and in May of 2006 started designing "Tercero 2": However when I considered the costly and piecemeal ... [Read More]

    Documentation packet v2 (2008-06-11)
    I just completed an extensive revamp of my documentation packet [updated 8/8/08].  Changes/additions in red include: I corrected the CAD rendering on the TOC page to reflect the actual ... [Read More]

    Flight day... Yay then boo! (2008-06-15)
    Alright so first off I want to thank Kurg Gugisberg and "Dok" Hanson for acting as my Technical Advisory Panel members.  I also want to thank my buddy Doug for helping me drag this beast around ... [Read More]

    Coefficient-Of-Drag-Tard (2009-08-05)
    Ya learn something new every single day... Jack Garabaldi of What's Up Hobbies informed me of a feature of my ARTS2 altimeter that I didn't even know about. After a flight you download the a ... [Read More]

    Build/paint progress and simulation refinements (2009-08-05)
    I've made quite a bit of progress on EM-SEM-FITY in the last few days. I applied car primer to the booster section and found a few more rough areas. I allowed this to dry then sanded down the ... [Read More]

    12,744' FTW! (2009-08-09)
    [that's "For The Win" not "F*#k The World"] Yesterday at Lucerne Dry Lake I flew EM-SEM-FITY on a Cesaroni L610-Classic motor to 12,744' and that's a new personal record!: Here are some flame ... [Read More]

    M750 flight APPROVED... Drag race style! (2009-08-20)
    I completed my altitude prediction report for EM-SEM-FITY on an M750 and our president and range safety officer approved the flight for Plaster Blaster ! (click the thumbnail below for a legible ... [Read More]

    Kick-off: 7.5" Der Red Mix (2009-12-21)
    This will be my first scratch-built, upscale design. As a kid I built the 1.6" diameter Estes kit " Der Red Max " and found the design appealing and the decals amusing. I'm not a fan of huge fins so ... [Read More]

    On the mend (2010-08-21)
    So I've now overcome the sadness of Der Red Mix and embarked on DRM mark II: Last night I think I thoroughly mastered both the Parrot2 and Raven altimeters via manuals, testing, and marking of the ... [Read More]

    Lagger: Plaster City 1/1/11 Launch Report (2011-01-21)
    The coolness of the date of this launch was exceeded only by the complete lack of wind and excellent flying conditions all day. The primary reason for this delayed report is that I was trying to ... [Read More]

    Plaster City launch report for Feb/2013 (2013-02-03)
    Reporting the day after the launch?  Unheard of yet so very true!  Here are all my select photos from yesterday.  Oh and it's [not at all] hilarious now but I managed to forget my ... [Read More]

    April Lucerne launch report - Go, K300, go! (2015-05-03)
    I flew my first CTI 2546K300 at Lucerne last month and I'm a big fan. I busted out my robust but rarely flown Vertical Assault from Giant Leap Rocketry and the flight sim'd to 14,000' AGL. ... [Read More]