Rocket Dungeon: RockSim-9 running problem list (update 5) (2009-01-11)
Thought I'd document these here. Some may be operator error. All apply to the Goonball XL5 unless otherwise noted. When adding a custom fin to a pod, the plan point graph is blank and display ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: RockSim 9 issues post - reminder (2009-01-14)
I know the organization is getting a little convoluted but, just for the record, I am still maintaining my post on the issues I'm finding with RockSim 9. Now, aren't you glad I reminded you (?). [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The MotherShip (2009-02-20)
Started because of this post , inspired by the WhiteKnight II . I was just too lazy to try to make a scale version. I may fiddle with the design a bit more. (Click to see more detail.) [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: RockSim 9 gone wild: USS Enterprise (2009-04-05)
I just entered this interesting 'what-if' RockSim design into EMRR's database - a rendition of Star Trek's USS Enterprise. In the comments to his design, Lester Anderson asks ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: RockSim 9 tutorial (2009-04-07)
In Apogee Newsletter #232 , Tim Van Milligan guides the reader through the process of designing polyhedral wings in RockSim 9 using the pods feature. Here's what Tim days about polyhedral wings: ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Simulate (more) angular airframes in RockSim (2011-10-11)
In last month's Apogee newsletter, RockSim-meister Bruce Levison instructed us on ways we might simulate square rockets in RockSim. I this month's edition, #297 , Bruce extends his work to ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Same thing, every year... (2018-03-23)
I thoroughly enjoy being a TARC mentor; working with the teams is great, and I am thrilled to be part of the whole experience that is Team America Rocketry Challenge. However, mixed in with the ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Building the Shrox Sniple - Part 1, Getting started... (2018-04-22)
Anyone who has been into hobby rocketry for a length of time has heard of Douglas Shrox - "The Master of the Dark Art of Rocketry". Shrox is legendary for his exotic designs, many of which have been ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: 3 done..... (2018-08-19)
The wet summer continues, but I have managed to find brief periods of lower humidity (between 45 and 50%) to get some final painting done. First up is the clone of the Centuri Stellar Starlifter, ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Upscale Squatty Body (2019-12-04)
From TRF - Gary 7 made an upscale Odd'l Squatty Body! " Started the Rocksim design phase early August. Got this done in time for Midwest Power. Flown on K535." [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Design, buy parts, and build or buy a kit and build? (2008-04-08)
In 2002 I began considering designs for a level 3 attempt. Then I bought RockSim and in May of 2006 started designing "Tercero 2": However when I considered the costly and piecemeal ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Rocketry Resources (2008-04-18)
A few people have asked about some of the books I've read about rocketry. Below I've made a list of some of these resources: Without books on rocketry and aerospace, you would not be reading this ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Documentation packet v2 (2008-06-11)
I just completed an extensive revamp of my documentation packet [updated 8/8/08]. Changes/additions in red include: I corrected the CAD rendering on the TOC page to reflect the actual ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Flight day... Yay then boo! (2008-06-15)
Alright so first off I want to thank Kurg Gugisberg and "Dok" Hanson for acting as my Technical Advisory Panel members. I also want to thank my buddy Doug for helping me drag this beast around ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Goonball XL5 in RockSim-9 (2009-01-10)
Here's a 3-D export from RockSim-9. I still have to tweak the actual measured mass. Without a motor, it seems stable enough with a margin of 0.78. However, I probably will have to add a bit more ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Fireball XL5 in RockSim-9 (2009-01-11)
Follow the tag for more on this model. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Another RS9 3D render (2009-01-14)
I'm finding RockSim 9 to be a lot of fun. Here's my latest ancient XR-71 Green Burd . On this one, I'm thinking the stability estimate might be a little pessimistic, as proven by the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: XFY-1 Pogo in RockSim-9 (2009-01-15)
Now, with functional outboard booster pods! This is the 2nd RS9 design in a row that worked without me having to remove and re-add the fin's-on-fins. This is a good thing! This changed for me when I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: XFY-1 Pogo in RockSim-9, redux (2009-01-16)
On my previous iteration, I formed the upper section of the body (the body's cross section is oblong) with a single thick fin. This left noticeable gaps. In RS-9, you can add components internally ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: SpaceShipSqrt(-1) in RockSim-9 (2009-01-16)
The wing pods and cockpit worked out nicely. Note that the cockpit components start internally and thus conform to the body tube. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Gee'hod RockSim-9 (2009-01-18)
[Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: First scratch RockSim-9 design (2009-01-19)
I was just goofing around and have no plans to build this. It has motors in the pods but no central mount - not generally a good idea. It's named the SPDN1 (Scratch Pod Design Numero Uno). BT-60 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: 2nd scratch Rocksim-9 design - mixed results (2009-01-19)
This is a jet-fighter styled rocket complete with faux-Sidewinders. The good news: I like the general look. The bad news: I hit the problem where the sim won't run. Since this was an exercise only, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: 2nd scratch Rocksim-9 design - post mortem (2009-01-20)
Well, the problem with this design bugged me so I started deleting components until the sim worked. I had to delete the Sidewinders as well as their underlying stand-offs. Not worth adding them back ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Highlights from EMRR on this Saturday (2009-01-24)
My brief review of Tim Van Milligan's Model Rocket Design and Construction is in today's EMRR update . The 2009 Box o' Parts Contest is ON! This year, you create your own box o' parts, EMRR will ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The DC Pod Racer, upgraded to RockSim 9 (2009-02-06)
I took some liberties with the colors, and the leading edge of the two tube fins aren't angled, but other than that the model is pretty close to the real thing (at least how it was before its last ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: CrayShipOne converted to RockSim9 (2009-02-08)
It's so cool to really be able to sim this type rocket! (yes, this sim runs) [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The Torus (2009-02-10)
The other day I was looking through The Spaceship Handbook and began wondering about how to model a toroidal structure in RockSim (v9 not required). So here is an experiment...and it was a pain in ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rampant broken link alert (2009-02-12)
Maybe. This morning, EMRR announced that he will be renaming the directories that hold both reviews and RockSim files. I have made ample use of these in the Dungeon, so unless I fix them, there will ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rockets Magazine V3 I6 Feb 2009 - including FAA analysis (2009-02-13)
I found this to be one of the better issues of Rockets . It features two solid tech articles - one on chain-stitching 'chute lines and one on molding fiberglass parts. I doubt if I'll use either, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Stand-off Tupolev Tu-123 RockSim9 (2009-02-17)
Here is a stand-off scale design inspired by the Tupolev Tu-123 . While you're standing-off, you might want to take a few more steps back! I really like the way pods let components blend together. I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Revised TU-123 RockSim model (updated) (2009-02-18)
(scratch_tu123.rkt) click for bigger images I only simmed it on one motor. Note that, as usual, I didn't sweat the details of the design. If I was building it I'd have to iterate the design to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: High power 10 years ago (2009-02-26)
As Feb. 2009 is slipping by, I found the Feb. 1999 issue of High Power Rocketry. So, what was going on in high power 10 years ago? Well, besides me getting into it. Impulse Aerospace started a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The Mothership refitted with turbojets (2009-03-01)
I think I figured out the reason some of my RockSim9 sims won't run. I often add complicated pods on pods on pods. I then copy the top level pod to the flip side of the rocket and adjust all the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Return of EMRR-on-CD (2009-03-10)
Nick just announced that EMRR-on-CD is back , and is now on DVD. For ten bucks, you can now carry around: 3,448 Reviews/Articles from 830 Authors 29,660 Flight Logs 2,064 RockSim Files 1,653 CP ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: X-20 Dyna-Soar Carrier in RockSim9 (2009-03-20)
As I was pulling my X-20 Dyna-Soar Carrier out for tomorrow's launch, I realized that I could refine the RockSim model by adding the X-20's winglets. Its maiden flight showed that something was ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2009-1 (2009-03-21)
Location: Old National Pike Park, Mt. Airy, MD ( NARHAMS ) Weather: up to 48 degs, wind calm to mild, sunny to overcast Total flights: Today - 10; YTD - 10 Total motors: Today - 10; YTD - 10 The ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Pat Gordzelik on the new FAA rules (2009-04-02)
Rocketry Planet has just published Pat Gordzelik 's editorial on the FAA's recent changes to their amateur rocketry regulations. The changes went into effect last February. This editorial had ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: First Launch of 2009 (2009-04-11)
I had some great launches today; no failures! Good launches and good recoveries. Plus, my onboard video worked for once! The quality isn't the best, but I've got it. I'll post it to YouTube and my ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2009-3 (update) (2009-06-13)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD ( MDRA ESL-133) Weather: 80's, calm to a light breeze, no thunder bumpers Total flights: Today - 8; YTD - 24 Total motors: Today - 8; YTD - 29 Another ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: First Toypedo half-shell: FAIL (update) (2009-06-23)
I tried 2 layers of light fiberglass and used the Toypedo to compress the fiberglass against the mold. The quality is bad, but I guess not that bad for a first try. I need enough cloth so I don't ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Nuclear DC-X RockSim model (2009-06-24)
BT60 based, 18mm mount, plenty stable [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Toypedo update (2009-06-28)
Well, since my last Toypedo update, I formed two paper mache shells and am building a rocket from them. It is going to be ugly with a capital UGLY. I may or may not reveal its ugliness. Although they ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: RockSim vs Barrowman vs the Toypedo (update) (2009-06-29)
Last night, I was making a RockSim model of another strange design (more later) and ran into the often asked question: RockSim or Barrowman? As an aside, RockSim can either compute the CP using the ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: First Multistage Rocket: Complete! (2009-06-30)
I just finished my first mid-power dual-stage rocket! I've built several low-power ones on Este's dash-zero motors way back when, but now I'm venturing into the world of electronic ignition, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Apogee Newsletter #238 explains the Toypedo (2009-07-01)
I had mentioned how the default Barrowman CP of the Toypedo was messed up. Apogee Newsletter #238 not only discusses the differences between the Barrowman and RockSim methods but has an example that ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: An existing MLAS flying model! Yeah! (2009-07-10)
This is too awesome. TRF member wilostr reports on his completed, but not yet flown, 1:20, 19.8" dia. MLAS model (photo stolen from his post). Beautiful rocket. It is built to fly on 3 G80s, and has ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Boring progress update (2009-07-19)
I cut the motor tube for the 8" MLAS. Wow. The replacement cone for the Stink Bomb is installed. It looks even goofier now. I scrounged a suitable plug for the base of the launch tube and ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Coefficient-Of-Drag-Tard (2009-08-05)
Ya learn something new every single day... Jack Garabaldi of What's Up Hobbies informed me of a feature of my ARTS2 altimeter that I didn't even know about. After a flight you download the a ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Build/paint progress and simulation refinements (2009-08-05)
I've made quite a bit of progress on EM-SEM-FITY in the last few days. I applied car primer to the booster section and found a few more rough areas. I allowed this to dry then sanded down the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: New sim program: Virtual Range 1.0 for Mac OS X (2009-08-07)
Matt Wronkiewicz announces the release of a new simulator, Virtual Range 1.0 for Mac OS X. The program computes stability using the US Air Force DATCOM and Barrowman methods. It records maximum ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: 12,744' FTW! (2009-08-09)
[that's "For The Win" not "F*#k The World"] Yesterday at Lucerne Dry Lake I flew EM-SEM-FITY on a Cesaroni L610-Classic motor to 12,744' and that's a new personal record!: Here are some flame ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: M750 flight APPROVED... Drag race style! (2009-08-20)
I completed my altitude prediction report for EM-SEM-FITY on an M750 and our president and range safety officer approved the flight for Plaster Blaster ! (click the thumbnail below for a legible ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: ALICE details (2009-08-28)
I extracted some tidbits from: Tyler D. Wood, Mark A. Pfeil, Timothee L. Pourpoint, John Tsohas, and Steven F. Son of Purdue University and T.L. Connell, Jr, Grant A. Risha and Richard A. Yetter ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rocket birdhouse building frenzy (2009-09-18)
Well, not exactly a frenzy but compared to the last month or so the Dungeon is buzzing. I surveyed the rocket birdhouses, began gathering parts I had lying around and listing what I need to acquire. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Raygun Gothic rocket update (2009-09-23)
Here's the Raygun Gothic Birdhouse . I got antsy so I clamped my power drill into my vise and ground on the clear fins. All that's left is the nose weight. I updated my RockSim model and ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: 4 oz (2009-09-24)
That's how much nose weight was required to get 1 caliber of stability margin on the Raygun Gothic Birdhouse . After a bad experience with the RockSim model for the D-Fusion Bomb (original ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rocket weight inflation (2009-10-08)
Egads, the as-built weight of the Raygun Gothic HoJo is sitting at a whopping 35 oz without motors. I weighed all the 'major' parts before assembly but it appears that I left something out ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: 50 Things I Do When I'm Bored (2009-10-09)
Try to design a rocket on RockSim to break 100,000 ft using K motors Make up polynomials and then factor them Eat a bowl of cereal Try to find shortcuts to evaluate the nth ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Rocket Team Update (2009-10-30)
Our rocket team at school has been making some great progress in preparation for Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) 2010! We "finalized" our RockSim design, and are now going to start collecting ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Delta X-15 (2009-12-03)
I built a RockSim 9 model of the Hostile Projectiles Delta X-15. There are a couple of measurements that I need to confirm (such as how fat the upper and lower stabilizers hand over the rear ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: First iteration of the Frankenstein sims (2009-12-08)
There is good news on the Frankenstein's sims. I put an early guess of CG and mass into RockSim and added a couple of pounds of nose weight. This moved the CG to approximately the point ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Kick-off: 7.5" Der Red Mix (2009-12-21)
This will be my first scratch-built, upscale design. As a kid I built the 1.6" diameter Estes kit " Der Red Max " and found the design appealing and the decals amusing. I'm not a fan of huge fins so ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Computer Issues and an Update (2009-12-21)
I'm posting today from a school computer. I regret to announce that my computer is almost permanently disabled. It has a problem where it begins to boot up and immediately shuts off. Some computer ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Got design motivation? (2010-03-05)
BARCLONE has, as of 3/5/2010, 722 unique rocket designs . But, don't forget, EMRR has 3,785 articles covering 1,705 commercial products and 2,080 MOPS (modifications, out-of-production, plans, and ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Making 3-D models of your rockets (2010-05-18)
(If you know how to use 3-D modeling tools, you can hit your 'back' button now.) That is the subject of Issue 261 of the Apogee Newsletter ( find it here ). In this issue, Tim walks you through ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: A week after the launch... (2010-05-22)
True Blood and the Delta X-15 have been treated with CA and touch painted. The Wedgie 's streamer has been trimmed and reattached. And, the Helix 29 has a brand new balance beam. Thus, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: 12 C6's = ? (2010-06-04)
I am planning to fly the 12-Pack on three central Estes C6-7's (for ejection) and 9 Quest 'long burn' C6's (for boost and I got a lot of them). It seems a C6 isn't a C6. The Estes has an ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: FLICS Lucky 13, on paper (2010-07-21)
I decided to do a RockSim 9 sim on the Lucky 13. After all, the FLICS body panels are just flat fins. I just attached these 'fins' to a pod and moved it away from the body so that the 'V' is ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Early Saturday hodgepodge post (2010-07-31)
NARAM-52 Live! is shaping up well. The Friday non-rocket photos includes a rocket girl. Would steal it if it actually included a rocket. I cut the fuse for the Backdraft flight. ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Level-3: Putting the Cart Before the Horse (2010-08-02)
You'd think I'd make sure I pass level 1 and level 2 before even thinking about level 3, but I can't help it. I might pass L1/L2 this August. Then I would want to start working on L3 pronto so I can ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Friday build status (2010-08-06)
The Spikor is named and is getting primer. How it got there: As I mentioned last time, the base of the spike section matches a 2.125" mailing tube well. I made a coupler using the ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: On the mend (2010-08-21)
So I've now overcome the sadness of Der Red Mix and embarked on DRM mark II: Last night I think I thoroughly mastered both the Parrot2 and Raven altimeters via manuals, testing, and marking of the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Hermes A-1 - first iteration (2010-08-31)
Photo - check. Ruler - check. As-built Semroc V-2 - check. Mash this stuff up and shove it into RockSim. And this is what you get. Since the Hermes A-1 is not based on ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: It ain't heavy, it's my Hermes (2010-09-30)
Final tweaks were made to the RockSim model and lead was measured out. I swapped the stock screw eye for a small eyebolt so will be securely buried in the lead/epoxy slurry. It weighs 3 oz ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: The Launch (2010-10-24)
It was a great day, and lots of fun to see all the rocket designs people came up with. There were a lot of great flights... and a lot of failures too! Our rocket performed well, but its second ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Back to Work (2010-11-30)
Okay... So I just have to pull through three weeks of studying and taking final exams. Then it's home again for another three weeks. I have to work hard now. I've got so much going on at once: ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: REVIEW: Apogee Components Model Rocket Design and Construction (2010-12-02)
I just picked up and began re-scanning this book and had wanted to post something about it. Since I had an existing EMRR review, and considering the site's current state of flux, I decided to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: First Flight Hobbies Corn Roc (2010-12-18)
The Corn-Roc is a limited availability kit from First Flight Hobbies . Click through the page break for my review of this interesting oddroc. Brief: This is a seasonal oddroc based on a Styrofoam ear ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: First Flight Hobbies Under Dawg (Beta) (2010-12-18)
The First Flight Hobbies Under Dawg is a large (58" x 2.22" - 5.6oz) , 4FNC, 2-stager. It features a BT-70 body that transitions to BT-60, an appealing set of booster/sustainer fins and a small ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: Heavenly Hobbies Resistor 224 (and H.H. Simit) (2010-12-18)
The Resistor 224 Planetary Defense Weapon is the latest offering from Heavenly Hobbies . This futuristic, dual motor, 24mm design features their ‘Amaze’ ejection baffle, laser cut plywood fins, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review - Public Enemy Ultra Fayboy (3") (2010-12-19)
The Public Enemy 3" Ultra Fatboy was my first high power rocket and was purchased for my TRA Level-I certification. I picked this kit primarily because of its sleek design and capability to fly on ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review - The Grand Whazoo (2010-12-20)
The goal of this project was to build an eight inch diameter rocket that was light enough to be flown on a mid-power motor. I decided to use foam board for the fins and centering rings, and thick ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: CrayShipOne (2010-12-22)
This Crayon bank rocket was obviously motivated by the SpaceShipOne, but is not anywhere close to scale. It is also my EMRR MonsterROC contest entry and flies on 38mm H motors. Major compone ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Fireball XL5 (2010-12-23)
This is a fantasy-scale model of the Fireball XL5 spacecraft, which was the subject of an old TV show. My motivation came from a thread on the The Rocketry Forum. Inspired by a model being developed ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Upscale BLU-97B Cluster Bomb (2010-12-23)
This is a description of my G-powered upscale of the Estes BLU-97B Cluster Bomb. The body consists of two 5" Quaker Oats bins. Here it is next to it's Estes cousin. The nose cone tip was turned ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Goonball XL5 (2010-12-24)
This 'goony' version of the Fireball XL5 sci-fi spacecraft is based on the Estes SpaceShipOne kit. That rocket is now my favorite kits to bash. The modifications included replacing the stock ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Deuce XL5 (2010-12-24)
The Deuce XL5 was my Descon-13 entry and, for the record, the following were the attributes as they applied to the contest: no Micro-Maxx, x2 cluster, sci-fi, comedy(?), most parts from a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: The Whole Enchilada (2010-12-28)
The Whole Enchilada "The rocket that is the meal!" The idea for The Whole Enchilada came into being one Sunday afternoon while cleaning out the frig. We had leftover tortillas that had ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: Recycled daiquiri glasses from Las Vegas (2010-12-28)
If you've ever been to Las Vegas, you couldn't have missed that about a quarter of the people wandering the Strip seem to be sipping on long plastic doohickeys filled with colored liquids. These ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Lindberg 1:48 XFY-1 "Pogo" (PMC) (2010-12-29)
Convair's XFY-1 "Pogo" was an experimental tail-sitting VTOL aircraft from the 1950s. It actually flew but never made it into production. I had a model of it as a little kid and always liked its ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: THOY - Snipe (2010-12-30)
The Snipe, which flies on a cluster of three 24mm motors, is a typical MPR kit. I received the Snipe in 2002 as a prize in EMRR's Fantasy Rocket Photo Contest. The manufacturer, THOY, has been ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: AquaBottleBat (2010-12-31)
This is a basic 29mm "el cheapo" tube fin rocket inspired by Larry Brand's BottleBat 3.0 . Like the original, this one is made from a mailing tube and uses a bottle for the nose cone (an Aquapod, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Public Missiles - Small Endeavour (2011-01-01)
The Small Endeavour is a simple single stage rocket designed for G - I motors. It is based on PML's Quantum Tube, has a 38mm motor mount, uses piston ejection, and sports a cool split-fin design. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Upscale Big Brute (2011-01-02)
My first mid-powered rocket was the North Coast Big Brute . I love that stubby rocket and when it came time to decide how to use some of the 5.38" tubing that I won from LOC, an upscale Big ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: A trio of post-BAR LPR designs (2011-01-02)
This review covers three LPR rockets that I built after becoming a BAR - The GI Joe , the Tiger Shark , and the XR-71 Green Burd . GI Joe This is a scratch rocket built with parts from an Estes ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Standard Cray-ARM (2011-01-03)
This is a review of my first Crayon rocket. I decided not to go with the typical clear fins and instead went for a 'goony' version of the Standard Missile. This one used an original 'Ralphco' brand ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Mirror Image (2011-01-04)
I couldn't believe it when my wife spotted the Guillow's foam Shuttles on clearance at Michael's Crafts. I am finally getting her fully trained to spot rocket components. Anyway, I bought two more ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: SpaceShipSqrt(-1) (2011-01-08)
When one of my rocketry buddies decided to hold a building session, I was scrambling to decide what to work on. I decided to use a 50% off Michael's coupon to grab an Estes SS1 kit for bashing. I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Talk Radio (2011-01-11)
This rocket is made from a sports water bottle that was donated by a local talk radio station, hence the name. It has a 24mm mount, recovers by parachute, and uses 'plate fins'. 'High tech' features ... [Read More]
Alex Zoghlin's Blog: Turning the Nuclear Sledgehammer into the “Questionable Investment” (2011-01-11)
I have had the rocksimfile for the rocket for quite a while, and made a few modifications 1) a few cosmetic changes to wings and fins to make them look ‘sleaker’ 2) remove mid centering ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review of Micro Projects: Six MicroMaxx Rockets (2011-01-12)
I decided these little things were too small to warrant their own posts, so I grouped a bunch of them together, including the Quest Tomahawk Starter Set, Heller 1/300 X-15 PMC, and several scratch ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: Component Reviews (2011-01-13)
This is an aggregation of all my old EMRR reviews of miscellaneous components: Giant Leap Rocketry - Honeycomb Composite Fins Giant Leap Rocketry - Slimline Retainer (38mm) Hartle Engineering - Solid ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: Two Birdhouses (the original ones) (2011-01-15)
After seeing David Jarkey's flying birdhouse, I grabbed several coupons and went to Michael's Crafts. I bought a couple, one hexagonal and one round, on a 2-for-1 sale (and used the coupons for ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: EMRR transition observation (2011-01-15)
My reviews now seem to be accessible from the new site, including the scratch/plans/MODS, etc. To look for yours, click 'Site Features' on the left, select 'Rocket Kit Reviews', and select 'By ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Semroc - Golden Scout (2011-01-19)
When buying some parts and supplies, I decided to go ahead and grab a Golden Scout to commemorate Vern and Gleda Estes' 50 years of contributions to this educational and fun hobby. Without their ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: When a Stock Saucer Isn't Enough (2011-01-20)
This post will describe goofy modifications to otherwise normal flying saucers. Three started life as Art Applewhite paper kits and one was a Quest MicroMaxx 'brick'. Crew Exploration Saucer I really ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Lagger: Plaster City 1/1/11 Launch Report (2011-01-21)
The coolness of the date of this launch was exceeded only by the complete lack of wind and excellent flying conditions all day. The primary reason for this delayed report is that I was trying to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Deanston Marauder (2011-01-22)
This is a ducted, stubby, 24mm-powered rocket that sports replaceable foamcore fins. It flew nicely, but recovery was less than optimal. The name Deanston came from the source of the larger tube--a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Massive Gassive (2011-01-22)
This is a cluster rocket based on a Crayon bank, which will help eat up my stash of D12-0s. It has one central 24mm motor mount surrounded by a ring of six motor mounts. On three sides, there is an ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Boot Hill (2011-01-23)
This is a Halloween-themed oddroc based on a toy coffin. It features a 24mm mount and patented Coffin Lid Recovery . Construction: The parts list: * One pine (basswood?) coffin from Michael's * Three ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: r.m.r. DesCon (2011-01-25)
This post presents several of my DesCon entries. I've listed all of them below. Shaded items with links point to rockets documented in other posts. DesCon 07 - Skyrocket A rocket made ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Squishy Foam Rockets (2011-01-28)
Rigid foam is commonly used in rocketry, mostly for custom nose cones. However, you don't see flexible foam rubber, such as that used in pool noodles, very often. Way back in 2001, EMRR ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Three Estes MODifications (2011-01-28)
This post includes: Big Dipper Daddy Fat Boy 7x18mm Motor Eater Phinagain Cruise Missile Big Dipper Daddy I bought this Big Daddy (on sale, of course) as a test-bed for a Micro-Hybrid motor. This ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Powered FLICS (2011-01-29)
When I read that Hans "Chris" Michielssen had converted a Quest FLICS rubber band powered rocket to MicroMaxx power, I immediately gave it a try. I too have had a stash of these freebies with no ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reviews: Two scratch stand-off scale models (2011-01-29)
The Little Joe I is stand-off and the Talos is quasi-scale (i.e. even less accurate). Little Joe I This is a very stand-off scale model of the Little Joe I. It is 2.6" in diameter, has a 29mm mount, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Two models made from Aquapod bottles (2011-01-30)
Aquapods are short, stubby, bulbous bottles whose shape is self-described as orbastic . These things scream ROCKETS ! I've used them for a nose cone , a tail cone , and for the bodies of the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Killer Bee (2011-01-30)
The Killer Bee is a 3" diameter rocket that I built around a set of Aerospace Composite fins from Giant Leap Rocketry. It sports a 29mm motor mount and zipperless construction. Construction: The ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: D-Fusion Bomb (2011-01-31)
Denny's serves(-ed) kid's drinks in this cool retro-styled rocket cup. I whined until our waitress gave me one. I originally wanted to make this fly on 29mm motors without added fins. The dimensions ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Mega Review: Four missile-aneous scratch builds (2011-01-31)
This post includes: Scrap Rocket 2 - once of my oldest, no wadding required One Shot - may not have broken Mach, but who could tell? Mini-Toobah - my tiniest tube finned rocket Spikor ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Corkscrew 2 Build Backstory (2011-03-05)
Here's a fun, easy to build design by Bruce Levison . The CORK SCREW won him first place in the FlisKits Design of the Month Contest in October, 2003. Here's how Bruce described his entry: October ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: New Version of Open Rocket, 1.1.4 (2011-03-09)
Download the FREE software HERE I've played around with the trial version of RockSim before. I fly Odd-rocs, it usually seemed like too much work to input all the non-standard parts. I hate learning ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: EMRR progress - sorting out the URL's (2011-03-10)
In yesterday's status email, Roger announced that the original EMRR URL ( ) now points to the new site. It looks like the interim redirects there ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Hermes A-1 (2011-03-22)
This review explains how I converted a sport scale Semroc V-2 xKit to a Hermes A-1. Construction The following parts are required: One Semroc V-2 xKit, using the scale fin option 3/32” balsa stock ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: New RockSim Page (2011-03-24)
I've added a RockSim page to the header bar, which points to all of the RockSim files that I've loaded onto EMRR. I created the page because, while the new EMRR does a good job organizing new ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Back to building (2011-03-25)
I finally slithered back down into the Dungeon and started some building. I cut some fins and built four boosters with the I Build Rockets resin cones and nozzles. I decided to go with 4 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: How do winged things on the tip of your rocket affect its stability? (2011-04-02)
That's what was studied in "AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS FROM MACH 1.50 TO 2.86 OF A LIFTING ENTRY VEHICLE ALONE, WITH ADAPTER SECTIONS, AND WITH A SATURN LAUNCH VEHICLE," Aug. 4, 1965, NASA TM ... [Read More] Blog: Documenting a Build at (2011-04-13)
At, you can create a “Build” to document your progress building a kit or completing another kind of rocketry project. A Build is a journal, similar to a “Build ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: New Version of Open Rocket V 1.5.5 (2011-06-15)
The newest version of Open Rocket is now available! You can find it here: This is version 1.5.5 and includes updates to the printing system for use on Windows. If ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Pool Noodle 'boink' rocket - status update (2011-06-16)
First off, I found that the name Ankyo, followed by a long series of numbers, is marked on a fin. Sounds like a rocket name to me. So, the rocket is now named the Ankyo234 (using the first 3 ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: You can do this, or you can do that (post-launch update) (2011-06-19)
As noted in my launch report, the Ankyo234 was, well, unstable. Is my RockSim model was flawed? The fins too floppy? The nose weight shifted? The model certainly may not reflect the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Real-time design (2011-07-06)
In a prior incarnation, that title would invoke thoughts of hardware, embedded software, interrupts, etc. Now it just implies that I have a general thought of what I want to build and start ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2011-3 (2011-07-16)
Location: Central Sod Farm, Centreville, MD ( MDRA ESL-158) Weather: clear, mid 80s, wind 5-10 MPH Total flights: Today - 7; YTD - 28 Total motors: Today - 7; YTD - 40 The weather was nearly perfect ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Re-building the Ankyo234 (2011-07-19)
As you may have noticed, I flew the Ankyo234-1 last weekend. This time, it went up nicely and gravity did its thing. As Neil McGilvray likes to say, "we've never left one up there, ... [Read More] Blog: Under the Hood - Image Management (2011-08-11)
Images are important to The site permits users to upload images which means that it has to deal with multiple sizes and types of image files. Users can also upload non-image ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Build Session! (2011-09-24)
Warthog hosted another great build session. It was fun to talk rockets, eat pizza, and look at what the other attendees were building. I made good progress on my Big Brute repla ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Simulating square rockets (2011-09-27)
In Apogee Newsletter #296 , Bruce Levinson begins to explore how to simulate square bodied rockets, such as those offered by New Way Space Models . He starts with a standard round rocket ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: University Student Launch Initiative -- We Made It Again! (2011-10-19)
Our proposal was accepted, so Iowa State is now one of 42 universities competing in USLI. The University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) is a NASA competition for universities across the country to ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Are two N motors enough for space? (2011-10-28)
It is always shocking to see how much altitude the pros (NASA, NACA, others) have gotten with motors in the M to R range. Yet within our hobby we routinely see R motors fail to break 100,000 feet, ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NEW Open Rocket Software Version 1.1.9 (2011-11-27)
The newest version of Open Rocket is now available! You can find it here: If you haven't downloaded this free simulator you are missing out! While it doesn't have ... [Read More] Blog: A Handy Little Scale (2011-12-02)
Getting accurate weights of individual parts is important when choosing a motor for a rocket and for modeling and simulating a rocket in Rocksim or OpenRocket. For larger rockets, ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Ranger Clone Build Part 11 Fin Line Prep (2012-04-06)
After looking online, I found a Rocksim file for the Ranger. This file only had a single 18mm engine so it was closer to a Big Bertha with an added payload section. I added the two other engines to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Air Serpent progress and concern (2012-05-02)
Here it is, dry fit, and without lugs and trim fins. I made a RockSim model to get a feel on stability and found it is pretty close as is. I need to install the final parts and the ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Mach 2 (2012-05-18)
One of my goals this summer is to break Mach 2. When I got back from school earlier this May, I started work on a new rocket that should be up to the job. It's a 38mm minimum diameter rocket made of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Big Daddy post flight ramblings (2012-05-22)
As I mentioned in Sunday's launch report , I flew the 29mm-powered Big Daddy on a G40-10. I didn't build it to specifically fly on G class motors, but somewhere along the line I added ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Mach 2 Rocket Launch Today (2012-05-28)
It's going to be a little soggy in the field today, but a great day to launch rockets. I'm planning to launch my Mach 2 rocket. I did a nice black paint job after a lot of priming and fine wet ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Reworked a couple of rockets (2012-06-26)
I haven't decided on a new build but have done some tweaking of a couple of rockets. First up is my oft-reworked BNC-R1 from the mid '80's. It started with a custom turned balsa nose ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Semi-scale 4" Harpoon build (2012-07-03)
I finally decided on something to build with the BT-101 and custom foam nose cone that has been sitting around gathering dust. I ran across some photos of the AGM-84 Harpoon and decided my nose cone ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: 24mm Paper Honest John, Part 2 (2012-08-12)
I made good progress on the 24mm paper Honest John today. As I mentioned in the previous post, I attached three centering rings to the 24mm tube. I didn't fully think out the recovery harness but ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Building another expendable rocket (updated, photo added) (2012-09-08)
Early in the 2000's, I built a lot of small, minimum or near-minimum diameter rockets to fly on G motors. My love for these expendable rockets started with the Rocket Vision Mach Buster . I ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Rockoon (2012-10-14)
I have delayed posting about this semesters project for awhile now, but now that I have a decent amount of material to present it is time to post it here. The idea of a rockoon system is to lift a ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: "99K" a P to N rocket project (2012-11-16)
"A few of us were sitting around lunch one day, discussing another 'to 100K' project, when we decided 'Hey, we can do that!' Then Cliff asked Wedge to borrow a 'P' motor, ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Rockoon Update (2012-11-28)
Our final project for the semester is to assemble our design into a very large poster (it's like four feet wide). I'd like to share it with you! But instead of just posting a little picture of it, ... [Read More]
High Power Rocketry: Ethics of Building and Launching HPR (2012-12-06)
"I am currently a college student and one of my courses is having a discussion on ethics this week. I am wondering what precautions are taken by RSOs to ensure everything is safe. What happens if an ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: A Level 3 Casing. Can Anyone Guess What This Means? (2012-12-22)
I am in possession of a level 3 casing. Can anyone guess what this means for 2013? This means that I am going to go for my level 3 certification! Finally! This is going to be my main project for ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: Plaster City launch report for Feb/2013 (2013-02-03)
Reporting the day after the launch? Unheard of yet so very true! Here are all my select photos from yesterday. Oh and it's [not at all] hilarious now but I managed to forget my ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: This Is (still) Not the Rocket You are Looking For (2013-07-16)
I did some real-time design and slapped this together. As expected, I went for an 18mm mount. The tube fits perfectly in base of the fin can. I thought that I might be able to ream the fin can ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Finally, some activity in the Rocket Dungeon! (2013-07-17)
The physical one, that is. First off, the main components of the This Is Not the Rocket You Are Looking For are all together. I still need a streamer, launch lug and a tube to route air to the ... [Read More] Blog: Site Updates (2013-07-24)
Look for more designs to be indexed in the Rocksim Library and the OpenRocket Libray. I updated the “spider” which searches the internet for designs. It now also looks inside zip archive ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: New build: MLAS 29mm (2013-10-04)
Here's a rendering of the 1st cut at a RockSim model. I was scrounging around looking for something to build for the new Estes 29mm BP motors. I had an extra Quest MLAS kit and decided to convert ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: It's looking like a rocket (the MLAS 29mm, that is) (2013-10-08)
The MLAS derivative is pretty much together, save for a launch lug and the proper amount of nose weight. Determining the 'proper' amount is the trick. Without the stock nose weight, the dry mass is ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: More Interesting A10 and A8 Engine Comparisons (2014-06-30)
I ran across this engine comparison chart on the Apogee website CLICK HERE Scroll down to the bottom of the page. These are RockSim altitude comparisons. Granted, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Estes Mega Mosquito, Steam Punk, Forward Mounted Canted Cluster build thread, part 5 (2014-07-16)
Spent yesterday cutting cardstock, placing stick on rivets, and add other missile-aneous trim. I could add more but I want to have it ready for the next MDRA launch and want to take advantage of ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Cohete Gigante (a.k.a. Son of The Dude) (2014-07-22)
A while back I bought one of these for the grand rocketeers - $1.50 at Michael's. It is a rocket shaped Mylar balloon. The fins are held on with 2-sided tape. I glides pretty well and is indoor safe ... [Read More]
Rich's Rockets: Building the Glencoe Jupiter C (PMC) (part 6) (2014-09-13)
From this Rocksim file linked from M. C. Fischer’s build page the center of pressure should be about a caliber behind the join between the two tank sections, so I loaded up the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Sirius SS Cestris build, part 1 (2014-12-09)
This series of posts will describe the build of the Sirius SS Cestris . I won this kit from Verna and Randy and it came complete with a custom decal set themed to Randy's Rocket Babe series of ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Suggestions From TRF (2015-01-20)
John Boren from Estes (Jumpjet of TRF) asked for product suggestions: "Maybe someone can start a positive thread on what people believe Estes should produce, and no, the B14 motor isn't going to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: SS Cestris build, part 6 (2015-01-25)
I didn't achieve my goal of finishing this build before the New Year, however, it is now pretty much done. Rather than buying some gloss white paint, I opted for a couple of clear gloss coats ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Cadet Cruiser In Open Rocket (2015-02-11)
Before anybody complains, I don't have much experience plotting model parts into Open Rocket. Still, I gave it a shot. I took the RockSim simulation for the Sky Eagle off the Apogee website ... [Read More]
Greg Smith's Blog: April Lucerne launch report - Go, K300, go! (2015-05-03)
I flew my first CTI 2546K300 at Lucerne last month and I'm a big fan. I busted out my robust but rarely flown Vertical Assault from Giant Leap Rocketry and the flight sim'd to 14,000' AGL. ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Mid Power: Building the Quest Big Dog (Part 12) - Finishing Touches (2015-05-20)
Click here for Part 1 The Big Dog is looking really good at this point. Now it's time to attach the rail buttons and take care of a few final details. If you're just tuning in , rail buttons ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Fat Cat Centaurus clone (2015-06-01)
I finally decided on what to do with the PSII Argent that I picked up last year in one of Estes' mega-sales. Chuck Sackett, aka Project463, has limited editions of some of his old kits (see ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Centaurus, pt 2 (2015-06-03)
The following is the next iteration of my RockSim model. So far, I have cut the bottom tube and the transition section, and made a custom ring to adapt the 29mm mount to the upper 2" tube. I have a ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Centaurus, pt 4 (2015-06-08)
Driven by a deep desire to minimize masking, this is turning out to be one of the more complicated builds that I've done in quite a while. Construction wise, I have finished up the main fins and the ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A different type of ORC... (2015-06-22)
For several years, Essence's Model Rocket Reviews & Resources (EMRR) sponsored online rocket contests through their website. Some of these were virtual, using Rocksim or other design programs to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Archer downscale, pt 3 (2015-06-23)
The Mini Archer is basically together. NCR Archer aficionados will notice that something is a bit off. That is, it is about 4" longer than it should be to be true to scale. I could have cut the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Archer downscale, pt 5 (2015-06-30)
It's getting real close! Here it is complete with vinyl decals from Stickershock23. I've been waiting on them for a couple of days and today caught the mailperson. For the 2nd time in a row, the ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A drag of a topic... (2015-07-31)
As I mentioned in previous posts, this year's TARC competition will probably see many teams struggling to loft their two eggs to altitude without busting the weight limit on the rocket. Most teams ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Trial ringtail (2015-09-22)
I've continued fretting abou t the potential Coleoptere/Coccinellida/Flying Stovepipe build. The good news is that the stability issue isn't as bleak as I had thought. A big point is the BIG ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: It's still Not-a-MIRV (2015-10-05)
Here's the progress on this simple build. I have to touch paint the lug. I had hoped that a 1/4" rod would fit down the middle between the tubes but found it was a tad tight. So, I added a lug after ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: 18mm to 24mm Conversion TIP (2015-11-04)
At club launches I've seen three different Mini Fat Boys fly unstable when converted from a 13mm to an 18mm standard engine. I always think: " Add 1/2 oz. of nose weight!" I haven't built an 18mm ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A tragic weekend... (2015-11-16)
This weekend was tragic... Not only for the horrible events in France, which are beyond belief, but also for an accident some deemed inevitable, but yet took over 55 years to occur... A scout leader ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Rainy day ekranoplan thoughts (2015-12-02)
It's been too rainy to prime and even get in a swing test. I decided to make a Rocksim model just for kicks. Despite having put in all sorts of crazy winged things with pods and pods on pods, I was ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Yes. Yes there is an ekranoplan Rocksim model (2015-12-02)
Well, my inability to get Rocksim to cooperate ate at me until I decided to give it another try. The trick is that I couldn't copy pod-on-pod structures or their constituent parts. For instance, ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: The Chesapeake Sea Monster is a real swinger (2015-12-04)
I took advantage of this mild and sunny day to do my swing test. I my heart hiccupped as it initially started belly forward. However, it quickly righted itself and went totally nose first! Yay. I ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: More swinging with the Chesapeake Sea Monster (2015-12-08)
Since the only comments from anyone who may have to hide under their car involved more swing tests, that's what I did. And to think this came from someone who's 'handle' in Mayhem :) Actually, I ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Time to restock... (2016-04-24)
This week's launch in Chattanooga depleted my stock of A8-3 motors, thereby providing an impetus to take a supply inventory; we are coming up on NSL and other launches, and it is not cool to run out ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: It fell, daddy! (2017-06-28)
"It fell, daddy" - These words were the comment made by a little girl after witnessing a very heavy model of a Blue Origin (I think) spacecraft arc right into the the ground at Southern Thunder. It ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARCON 202 Manufacturer's Forum (2020-03-19)
On TRF, Winston posted a link to the 2020 NARCON Maunfacturer's Forum. The video was produced by Apogee. CLICK HERE At 0:01 - AEROTECH - Available in the Fall, Q-Jets will ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: NARCON Manufacturers Forum (2021-01-30)
The "virtual" NARCON is actually a great value at $25.00, considering you usually pay for gas, hotel and food. The Zoom style broadcast had some issues. T he format is fairly new to all ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: More TARC musings... (2022-01-30)
I keep thinking about TARC - specifically, my rocket's performance in Geezer TARC. I wanted to understand why the simulation programs were giving way too high altitudes, while and ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Vendor review - Apogee Components (2022-03-18)
I decided some time ago that I should occasionally write reviews of some of the vendors I patronize - to heap praise on the things they do right (which is often) and to keep them honest when they ... [Read More]
Bayourat Aerospace Blog: L Motor Flight 4" Fiberglass Mania Rocket Sept. 24, 2022 (2022-10-09)
The Motor Burnsim Data 4 grain 3" x 16" L623 2833NS White Alligator Propellant. Motor Specs. The Rocket 4" Mad Cow Fiberglass Mania. Stock Build. Flight Simulation RockSim 9 Open Rocket ... [Read More]
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