| 2001 Apr 15: Delta II Launch of Mars Odyssey (2011-12-26)      This stunning launch sequence ends with a forward-looking RocketCam capturing the spins-up and separation of Mars Odyssey from the Delta second stage -- a first for Delta and RocketCam.
 | 2002 Jul 11: XCOR EZ-Rocket Test Flight #13 (2011-08-18)      Turn the volume up and enjoy a ground-based view of the first rocket powered aircraft built since WWII, then compare this view with the companion onboard RocketCam view. Test flight #13 was conducted in Mojave, California. (Video courtesy XCOR Aerospace.)
 | 2002 Jul 11: XCOR EZ-Rocket Test Flight #13 -- RocketCam (2011-08-18)      Turn the volume up and enjoy the onboard view of the first rocket powered aircraft built since WWII, then compare this view with the companion ground-based view. Test flight #13 was conducted in Mojave, California. (Video courtesy XCOR Aerospace.)
 | 2002 Nov 20: Delta IV First Launch -- EutelSat W5 (2011-08-18)      The first launch of this massive rocket (at night) was covered by two onboard RocketCam views. Check out the red-hot glowing engine nozzle as the second stage fires during its orbit insertion burns.
 | 2004 Jun 21: SpaceShipOne's First Trip to Space (2011-08-18)      This B-Roll footage (courtesy of Vulcan Productions / Discovery Channel) shows onboard RocketCam views and chase-plane views of SpaceShipOne's rocket motor ignition, ascent from its White Knight carrier aircraft, cockpit footage of Mike Melvill and the M&Ms and external camera footage during the first private trip tpo space. This flight was a dry run for the two required flights SpaceShipOne conducted a few months later to win the $10-million X PRIZE.
 | 2006 Jul 4: Shuttle Launch STS-121 (Discovery) -- SRB RocketCam (2011-08-18)      To help the Shuttle team assess and understand the chronic External Tank foam shedding phenomenon, on this launch two new RocketCam systems were added -- one to each Solid Rocket Booster, looking aft. Here's the view from the starboard SRB. The RocketCam video is recorded onboard the SRB and retrieved later after the SRBs land in the ocean, and is of pristine quality. Watch this unedited video until the SRB splashes into the water!
 | 2009 Jul 15: Shuttle Launch STS-127 (Endeavor) -- Port SRB (2011-08-18)      RocketCam view onboard port (left) Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster RocketCam looking aft during Endeavor launch. This goes from liftoff to SRB splashdown. No audio. (Courtesy NASA and Spaceflight Now)
 | 2009 Jul 15: Shuttle Launch STS-127 (Endeavor) -- Starboard SRB (2011-08-18)      RocketCam view onboard starboard (right) Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster RocketCam looking aft during Endeavor launch. This goes from liftoff to SRB splashdown. No audio. (Courtesy NASA and Spaceflight Now)
 | 2010 May 6: Orion Crew Capsule PAT-1 Highlights [HQ] (2011-08-18)      Highlights from NASA's Orion crew capsule Pad Abort Test #1. This abort sequence would kick in if the rocket blew up on the launch pad, and the astronauts inside the capsule would get quite a ride! Near the end of this montage are several seconds on onboard views from RocketCam. The full video sequence is coming soon. (This video clip found at: www.nasa.gov