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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Groups / University and College / River City Rocketry (University of Louisville)
PCS Sub Scale Testing (2013-02-18)
UofL University Student Launch Initiative tests our Parachute Control System on a half scale model. Big thanks to Bluegrass Rocketry Society for hosting the launch! [View]
Hydra 2 Stage High Power Rocket (2017-08-04)
Built during the summer of 2017, HYDRA was the spiritual successor to River City Rocketry's award winning 2017 NASA Student Launch "Typhon Heavy" rocket. Weighing in at 65 pounds and standing over ... [View]
RCR 2018 Qualification - NASA Student Launch (2018-04-03)
Despite a tumultuous season, River City Rocketry has persevered and is going to Huntsville to launch one last time.  [View]
This Is River City Rocketry (2017-11-30)
Visit https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/studentlaunch/home/index.html for more competition information [View]