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Flight Log - 2018-08-18 - Richard Holmes's Square In the Air
Flight Date: 2018-08-18
Rocket Name: Square In the Air
Kit Name: New Way Space Models - Square In the Air {Kit} [2011-]
Flyer's Name: Richard Holmes
Motors: B6-0
Launch Site: Syracuse Rocket Club (Weigand's Field)

I showed up late, staying home until the rain was mostly off the radar. Once I got there I got into the theme for the day, which, as usual in August, was odd-rocs. First up: New Way Square In the Air.It took one of the last of my B6-0s — been a while since I bought any motors — and did its thing. Came down just our side of the flight line, downwind a ways.

1Estes B6-0


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