High Power Rocketry: How long can reloadable motors be stored? (2012-03-07)
What if you assemble an RMS motor and the launch is canceled? How do you store it, and for how long? [Read More]
David McCann's Blog: Cases (2015-12-16)
rawr. [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: First Launch of the Year! (2008-05-04)
I have about 80 dollars hanging in a tree right now... Yesterday afternoon I suggested opening the flying season with the flight of an unnamed rocket whose official title is "Project 3 Rocket 2." ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: Aerospace Projects Exibited in County Fair (2008-07-28)
Our county fair is over now, and my projects did pretty good in 4H. My practice high-power rocket was awarded reserve champ (second best), and I'm going to state! I am now working hard on rebuilding ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: ValueRockets.com e-Commerce Site Now Online (2009-02-15)
AeroTech`s ValueRockets.com full-featured webstore is now complete and open for business at http://www.valuerockets.com. Featuring an easy-to-navigate design, the store is divided into six major ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Offers EFC-1 Electronic Forward Closure in Kit Form (2009-06-07)
AeroTech is offering its EFC-1? Electronic Forward Closure? recovery system deployment device in kit form as part no. EFC-1K at $99.90 suggested retail. The EFC is a timer-based electronic recovery ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Receives California State Fire Marshal Approvals for Three RMS Reload Kits (2009-08-04)
The California Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) has issued classification approvals for three new high-power AeroTech Karl E. Baumann (KEB) Signature Line RMS reload kits. The specific motors ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Direct staging APCP to BP motors (2009-09-30)
TRF member rocket999 provided a link to the following interesting article: Direct Non-electronic Staging From Reloadable Composite Motors To Black Powder Motors , Jay Calvert, NAR # 71767 C Division, ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Lowers Retail Prices on High-Power RMS Reload Kits (2009-11-01)
As a result of AeroTech locating several high-quality sources of lower-cost Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) oxidizer, AeroTech has reduced suggested retail prices on its entire line of high-power ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: AeroTech Lowers Prices on Five Single-Grain 54mm RMS Reload Kits (2010-01-24)
AeroTech Consumer Aerospace has redesigned its five single-grain 54mm soda can motor reload kits to use less expensive components and has significantly reduced prices on the entire range of reloads ... [Read More]
Value Rockets Blog: TMT Certifies Three New AeroTech High-Power RMS K-Class Motors (2010-01-27)
The Tripoli Motor Testing (TMT) Committee of the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) has certified two new AeroTech 54mm and one new 75mm Reloadable Motor System? (RMS?) K-class rocket motor reload ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: NARPres comments on the NFPA 1125 revision (2010-02-02)
Trip's words, my highlights and added comments in brackets (stuff I didn't mention before or didn't catch earlier): Earlier today (February 2) we completed the first of two 2010 meetings of the ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Yes, California is crazy (2010-09-30)
It appears the California Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) says that model rocket motors can't be reloadable. And you thought you'd never see 18mm HPR motors. Read about it on ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Small, odd return to rocketry (2010-11-19)
Since I haven't been able to do any 'serious' rocketry, I started a small, very small, project. I don't know if it will work, so I won't go into too many details. It uses 6mm MicroMaxx ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Upscale Big Brute (2011-01-02)
My first mid-powered rocket was the North Coast Big Brute . I love that stubby rocket and when it came time to decide how to use some of the 5.38" tubing that I won from LOC, an upscale Big ... [Read More]
AKS Rockets: Level one certification plans (2011-03-29)
Kaelan and I are trying to get a level one certification this year. We purchased a 4.0in nose cone and body tube and tip from a Uroc member at the March sport launch for $20. We will fly it on a low ... [Read More]
RocketReviews.com Blog: Reloadable Motors Case (2011-11-27)
I’ve been on an organizing kick lately – trying to make storing and transporting my rocketry stuff easier. Based on a suggestion in The Rocketry Forum (Gun case or reload case!), I ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Jetex Mig 15 Comparison to Centuri Mach 10 (2011-12-07)
High Power Rocketry: Aerotech announces single use HPR motors (2013-02-23)
AeroTech Unveils Pro-SU Motor Line at NARCON Convention in Santa Clara, CA AeroTech is introducing a game-changing new product for the high power rocketry market, the Pro-SU line of single use ... [Read More]
Sirius Rocketry: Taking a Look at the New AeroTech DMS H135W-14A Single-Use Motor (2013-04-10)
Thought I might share a look at one of the new motors in the AeroTech Pro-SU DMS (Disposable Motor System) line of single-use motors with adjustable delays. The motors ship with a long delay that ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Remembering Jetex (updated...again: new link and photo) (2013-08-13)
I recently re-found the jetex.org site. This site is dedicated to all things Jetex, including the motors, fuel, model kits, plans, etc. You youngsters, assuming you haven't already resorted to ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Rocketry Resolutions for 2015 (2015-01-01)
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! A few things I need to work on in the new year: 1. Don't buy any more new kits! Avoid the Estes sales, you have Cosmic Explorers already. 2. Get my first 24/40 ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: RMS? Whaa . . . (2015-02-01)
I know, I've gone over to the dark side. Not really, I had launched a few Enerjet E engines in the late 1970s. I ordered this 24/40 reloadable engine casing for use in some heavier models that ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Fiddling Around (2015-09-05)
My schedule is all over the place. Sometimes I work late at night; sometimes early, early in the morning. All this back and forth has left me with less time than I'd like for rocket building or ... [Read More]
Rich's Rockets: CTI, once (2015-11-25)
I was unaware CTI (Ceseroni) ever made single use motors, but apparently just a few years ago they were selling a Pro130 O25000 and a P8000, both single use. Only reloadables appear in current ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Where to Buy Model Rockets and Rocket Supplies (2022-04-07)
Someone on the Facebook group Estes Model Rockets posed a question recently: Other than Amazon, where is everyone buying Estes rockets? I don't have a good hobby store near me. I see ... [Read More]
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