Rocketry Product: Estes - Reflector {Kit} (002422)
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 1 Parts (2014-03-12)
This is an interesting design. A definite "reflection" and nod to the Centuri Lil' Hustler. The model is a cross between the Lil' Hustler payload and body the fins look like they came from the ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 2, Engine Mount TIPS (2014-03-13)
This mount got some filing, cutting and notches for better fit and strength. These are some extra ideas you could add to your next build. I'm installing replaceable Kevlar in these mounts. There ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 3, Payload Section Fix (2014-03-14)
WOW! The face card advertises - HUGE Payload Section! Maybe not . . . Set the nose cone and adapter beside the BT-55 section of tubing and you can see how small the payload ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 4, Payload Section and Adapter Fix (2014-03-14)
Here's the back ends of the nose cone and adapter after cutting down and sanding the shoulder edges round. The exposed sides of the adapter were rounded. (No older Estes or Centuri adapter ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 5, Two Different Fin Patterns (2014-03-15)
I drew up some Lil' Huster style fins to go on one of the models. The other will get the stock kit Reflector fins. Check the older blog post for the back story on this build HERE My Lil' ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 6, Rounding the Leading Edge (2014-03-15)
As directed in the instructions: The leading edge is rounded, all other edges are square. Getting the inside angle on the leading edge strake can be hard to get smooth. I wrapped some 220 grit ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 7, Fin Gluing and Comparison (2014-03-16)
The fins were filled with CWF and sanded off the model. The body tubes, nose cone and adapter got a coat of Primer/filler and sanding. The lug and standoff were glued together, filled and primed ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 8, Replaceable Kevlar Install (2014-03-17)
Earlier in the engine mount assembly a notch was cut in the long 20/50 centering ring. The notch allows a Kevlar line to be pulled out between flights to check it's condition or replacement if ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 9, Replaceable Kevlar Install Part 2 (2014-03-18)
Cut off the excess but leave about 3/4" extending beyond the end of the tube for a tail . You want some Kevlar to extend out the back so you have something to grab onto. Tuck the excess tail ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 10, Larger Payload Tube (2014-03-19)
The new Estes Altimeter is only 2.375" long and .7" in diameter. Hard to believe something this small is still too big for the Reflector with the "Huge Payload Section!" ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 11, Great New Paint! I hope so - this time! (2014-03-20)
This is the payload section ready for paint. To hold on to it for painting, copy paper got masking tape down one side. The tape strip was set on the paper edge half on, half off. This was tightly ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 12, Cleaning Up Edges TIP (2014-03-21)
Here's the two payload sections, on top is the kit length. Below is the extended payload section. Enlarge the picture and you can easily see the joint seams on the smaller payload section. The ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 13, Painting the Fins Red (2014-03-22)
The instructions are vague about how high to mask for the red paint: "Apply masking tape and protective cover around main rocket body above fins." The rear of the lug standoff was glued 2 3/4" ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 14, Decals (2014-03-23)
The only way to get the black stripe decal to fit is to cut away the clear border under the launch lug standoff. Cut this before soaking the decal. Even with the clear border cut back I still had ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build, Part 15, Lil' Hustler Version Decals (2014-03-24)
On the Lil' Hustler version (made from the Reflector kit) I made some very slight changes in the decal placement. As before, there isn't enough clearance for some white under the black band with ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Build Finished (2014-03-25)
This one is the Reflector design, the Lil' Hustler version will be posted tomorrow. I like the looks of this one, there is certainly Centuri design influence ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Estes Reflector Lil' Hustler Version Finished (2014-03-25)
I actually like this version better than the stock Estes Reflector! It reminds me more of the Centuri designs. The payload section on the Reflector wasn't practical with the ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: 2016 Rocketry To-Do List (2016-01-02)
I walked into the Rocket Room today, and it hit me that I hadn't touched anything in there in maybe a week or more. The sun was streaming in through the windows, and it looks like my girlfriend ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Lil' Hustlers Comparisons (2014-01-02)
On TRF, Astronwolf made the observation HERE : "Not a bad match IMO. This just shows the early roots for this newer kit - Estes' nod to the Centuri Mini Max line of the 60's . . . The Re ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: EBAY Rocket Listings (2014-08-19)
The Estes Reflector is up for bidding on EBAY - CLICK HERE The same model built was here on the blog. Also for sale is the 1976 ESTES NARAM Contestants Package. Check out the ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Horrible Error (2015-08-01)
I've started building my first rocket in months. I decided to take one of the smaller rockets off the build pile - the Estes Reflector. It's a small, BT-50 (24mm) based rocket with a short ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Perfecting Your Rocket Building Skills Can Be Scary (2016-05-23)
I'm trying an experiment today, and it's got me nervous. The rocket you see above is the Estes Reflector, a small, BT-50 (0.976 inch diameter) payload-carrying model rocket with a classic "model ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: The Future Experiment (2016-05-27)
Click here for the previous post . As detailed in my previous post, I recently completed the Estes Reflector, and despite a few bad turns during construction, I managed to make the rocket look ... [Read More]
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