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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

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Other Rocketry / Reaction Research Society

    Popular Mechanics, September 2009 (2009-08-17)
    I went ahead and picked up a copy just to see Steve Eves' Saturn V in a mainstream magazine :) I was a little disappointed to find Steve was only given a one page blurb. Still, it was great to see ... [Read More]

    High Power Rocketry magazine, June 1998 (2010-11-28)
    Here's a recap of yet another old issue of HPR magazine. Upon searching for some background on one article, I actually found an old Rocketry Planet article announcing that this issue was shipped, ... [Read More]

    Rocketaholic provides an amateur rocketry blast-from-the-past (updated) (2012-06-25)
    Rocketry blogger, the 'Rocketaholic', just dug into his archives and posted photos from a Reaction Research Society class and documentation of his Systeme Solaire SS67B-2 liquid fuel rocket . ... [Read More]