Ray "AcroRay" Miller's PageAKA: AcroRay Location: Uniontown, PA Club Memberships: Tripoli Pittsburgh Favorite Rockets: Custom's "Ion Pulsar" & Quest's "Striker AGM" Biography: BAR after about a 28 year absence from rocketry. I'm primarily a kit builder, so I obsess over making my rockets look as pretty as possible.
Club Home Page: http://www.tripoli-pgh.org/ RocketReviews.com Pages:
2012-05-19X-30 National Aerospace Plane ![](image-launch-into-a-shallow-but-very-aeroplane-like-flight-300-150-051912005520527.jpg) Flight Another shallow arc into the wind, but stable and very aeroplane-like! Late chute depolyment. Bad motor? Fine recovery. - C6-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
X-30 National Aerospace Plane ![](image-x-30s-second-launch-into-a-poor-flight-300-150-051912005520830.jpg) Flight Cleared rod and arced into the wind in a tight spiral. Ejection popped the friction-fit motor & NC, but not the 24" chute. Shallow glide to the ground, resulting in dented front of body. Can fly again. - C6-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
X-30 National Aerospace Plane ![](image-ray-acroray-millers-x-30-national-aerospace-plane-300-150-051912005520143.jpg) Flight Good flight, straight up, good chute deployment. (A 24", rather than the two 12" the kit is supplied with). Motor clip torn almost completely out: common problem. Only good flight of this bird. - C6-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
TriStar ![](image-ray-acroray-millers-tristar-1-300-150-055412231419553.jpg) Flight Straight, good flight. Used a long streamer because I've seen others of this float away. Came down hard on the tail, and broke a fin. Can be repaired. - A8-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
U.S.A. E2X ![](image-ray-acroray-millers-usa-e2x-300-150-051912231919637.jpg) Flight Nice, straight flight. Forgot to repack the chute after storage, and recovered tail-down undamaged via chutewad. - B6-4 [More]
Striker AGM ![](image-ray-acroray-millers-striker-agm-300-150-051912231919514.jpg) Flight Again, it arced into the wind, and didn't quite make the altitude it should have. Safe recovery. - C6-5 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
2011-09-18Rockets by Manufacturer / Estes Photograph ![](image-alpha-iii-at-tripoli-launch-600-500-101411164906830.jpg) Alpha III at Tripoli Launch
2011-09-17Alpha III Flight High, straight flight. Streamer deployment after apogee. Safe recovery. Classic performance! - B6-4 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
Long March Three ![](image-ray-acroray-millers-long-march-three-300-150-094111120124870.gif) Flight Nice flight. Straight up. Chute after apogee. Drifted into tall weeds and brush. Current status: Lost. - C6-3 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
Long March Three ![](image-cz3a-at-tripoli-launch-on-chute-300-150-092711022118529.jpg) Flight Nice flight. Straight up. Chute after apogee. Safe recovery. - B6-4 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
Striker AGM ![](image-striker-agm-at-tripoli-launch-touchdown-300-150-092911025718509.jpg) Flight Significant weathercock into the wind. Expended a lot of flight distance in a shallow ark. Chute well past apogee. Safe recovery. - C6-5 - Tripoli Pittsburgh, Uniontown, PA [More]
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Ray "AcroRay" Miller |