Rocketry Product: Featherweight Altimeters - Raven {Component}
Broken Arrow L1685 12,027’ (2018-02-22)URRG 4-30-17 CTI L1685SS 75mm 5 grain Mach 1.2 Electronics: SL100, Raven 3, BRB GPS, Mobius camera [View]
L2 High Power Rocket Certification - Blastcap Rocketry Painkiller 3 (2020-02-24)My Level 2 certification flight, with a Blastcap Rocketry "Paintkiller 3" full fiberglass rocket. Dual deploy, using a Raven 3 altimeter, and Eggfinder for tracking. Motor was a 3 grain CTI 54mm ... [View]