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Flight Log - 2015-06-26 - Rick Barnes's Ram Jet 2X

This is a 2X upscale of the Estes Ram Jet kit, which I built about 25 years ago.  BT80 outer tube with a BT55 core tube (which is the original's outer).  24mm mount for 3.75" motor case, 18 custom fit vane fins and 3 large 1/8" balsa main fins.  I papered the main fins, since the wood seemed a little soft for my taste.  This project in ongoing, so I haven't yet added any recovery equipment or launch lugs.  Once I have everything filleted and primed, I'll weigh it to get an idea of chute size.  I purchased Excelsior decals for the BT80 upscale, that was the inspiration to build this.

Flight Date: 2015-06-26
Rocket Name: Ram Jet 2X
Flyer's Name: Rick Barnes
Motors: D12-5
Launch Site: Torrey Farm, Potter, NY

1Estes D12-5


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