Rocketry Product: Odd'l Rockets - Raise {Accessory}
Model Rocket Building: First RAISE Spring? (2019-02-07)
I saw this on Ebay - From the AMROCS 1970 catalog, a Launch Rod Positioning Spring. I knew that Centuri had sold a positioning spring in the early 1970s but I can't find it in the catalogs ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: LAUNCH! Small Stuff - September 20, 2010 (2010-09-20)
I walked to the schoolyard to get a few small launches out of my system. Four were launched, a few parents walking their kids to school got some early morning entertainment. The ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Odd'l Rockets Raise (2010-12-18)
The Odd'l Raise is an adjustable standoff for 1/8" rods. One of them apparently dropped into the box when my Wedgie kit was shipped so I thought I'd add a short review. You can now put your clothes ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Coming Soon! 3/16" Raise Spring from Odd'l Rockets (2011-10-10)
Here's the latest product test from the Odd'l Rockets accessories: The 3/16" RAISE SPRING! The original 1/8" launch rod Raise Spring is at the top, the new 3/16" Raise Spring is at the bottom. I've ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Cleaning Up Post Launch Part 3 (2011-10-28)
An Email from Andrew Ballard: Another way to keep things looking clean is a can of dry lube. Especially if you start when your parts are new. The idea is similar to using Pam cooking spray on pots ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Tampa TTRA Launch, February 18, 2012 (2012-02-19)
I almost didn't make the drive to the Tampa TTRA launch on Saturday. Back in Orlando there was low cloud cover and a 50% chance of rain predicted for the afternoon. I had visions of my car stuck ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Micro Bullying on TRF (2012-08-14)
This is a copy of a message sent to a "Micro" Rocketry Forum member. I sent this letter after many negative responses to forum posts I've made over the past five years. ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Whatever Happened To . . . 3/16" Raise Springs? (2014-08-04)
I've sold a few thousand of the 1/8" rod RAISE Springs. This was one of the first Odd'l Rocket's products. I had very positive responses on the springs. Chan Stevens did a great review on Rocket ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: More Raise Springs! (2014-11-23)
I went to fill a vendor order for RAISE Springs and realized - I'm almost out! An order has been made for 2,000 more! That's right, 2,000 more. [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: How Not To Use A Raise Spring TIP (2014-11-30)
The picture to the right is how not to use a Raise Spring . . . Odd'l Rockets Raise Springs should go under the model - not up the side of the rocket as shown here. ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Making Raise Springs (2014-12-04)
Odd'l Rockets Raise Springs don't come fully assembled. The springs are just that - a spring with a long straight wire out to the side. The brass tube extensions are cut by hand. The added ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: How NOT TO USE a Raise Spring TIP (2015-01-06)
The picture to the left is how not to use a Raise Spring . . . Odd'l Rockets Raise Springs should go under the model - not up the side of the rocket as shown on the left. DON'T SET THE ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: New Upgraded Kits and Accessories (2015-01-16)
Semroc is sold! I hope the new owner can supply parts for vendors. Red River Rocketry has slowed it's production while new sources can be found. Fliskits had many custom nosecones made at ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: 2014 New Products (2015-02-05)
Looking back on 2014 it was a big year for Odd'l Rockets! In February, the Odd'l Rockets multi-size PARACHUTE is printed and bagged! The PIGASUS Kit is introduced at NARCON last March. Flame ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Camera Tripod Launcher Tips, Part 2 (2015-04-13)
To improve tripod stability - Tie a weight to the bottom hook found on most camera tripods. A water jug works just fine. If you are launching in low or no winds this might not be necessary for up ... [Read More]
Odd'l Rockets: Busy, Busy, Busy at Odd'l Rockets (2022-02-05)
I've been busy printing decals, cutting tubes, printing instructions, bending springs and vacu-forming jet canopies. The past two weeks has included production of: 14 Heavy Duty Engine Mounts ... [Read More]
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