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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Kits / Wildman / Punisher
i4553" Punisher Drag race on I455 Vmax at METRA. Person behind me called it "the best drag race ever!". :) Mine was on the left with Dual Deploy and the one on the right was motor deploy...both ... [View]
Punisher Model Rocket. (2015-12-07)
Dan Harrison's Punisher model rocket from Wildman Rocketry. It flew on a 'J' class motor as part of Team-1's inaugural launch at Alkay Airport near Clio, MI. on 12/5/15. [View]
Red Glare 18 flights. Frenzy XL L395, Punisher K740 (2016-04-16)
Two of my flights from Red Glare 18 in Maryland. Thank you to MDRA for hosting such a wonderful event. 1st clip: Frenzy XL on a CTI L395 Mellow 2nd clip: slowmo of above 3rd clip: onboard video 4th ... [View]
Wildman Punisher L1100 EX White Trash QCRS 4-20 (2019-04-22)
Despite some ignitor drama, set a new personal record for altitude. [View]