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By Lester Anderson



 A booster unit for the Pro Series II E2X rockets.



Ok, here we have a build of Estes's PSII E2X Booster unit for some of the 2in body Pro Series II rockets.

Box art

Step #1, assemble the fins. They glue together with thin CA glue.

                               Raw fins                                                           Scuffed mating surfaces                                                      finished assembly

#2&#3 is assembly of the motor mount. I went out of order, by putting the Interstage Cone and thrust block on first, then the centering rings. Works the same.


                       Interstage cone                                                                 Centering Rings

Setp #4, Install the motor mount into the body tube and install the body tube coupler. The body tube is pre-slotted, so make sure that the slots in the centering ring tabs line up with the body tube. The shorter end of the tube without slots is the lower end. Don't put the motor mount in the tube upside down.


  Aft end of MM, see the thrust ring in the front?                             Forward end of MM                                                    Body coupler installed

Step #5, install the fin assemblies. They need to align up with the slots in the centering rings. Now is a good time to add any internal glue fillets if you want them.


         Letting the epoxy drain down a little.                                        Then added some on top.

Step #6, install the motor retainer. It uses the new screw on PSII ones.  And Step #7, add the little decal.


     Left off the outer part while the epoxy cures.                   Only 1 sticker? I would have thought 3.

And that's it, your done. If you prep all your parts first, and can work fast, it will go together in about 25 minn. This does agree with the claim from the back of the box "Assembles in minnutes".  Now I am ready for 2 stage flights with my Trajector.